However, now the question is HOW we connected that much for only 6 days? Through energizers, games, workshops, coffee breaks, birthday celebrations, yoga, meditation, sauna, theatre, singing, dancing, lunch preparation, swimming, or basically through CREATIVE activities, we really did connect! The “magic” that appeared among us was discontinuously widening. However, if it wasn’t for the trainers, Inese, Ilona and Rytis, nothing would be accomplished. Whenever was needed, they were here to help and increase the group dynamics. What is even better, we were given the freedom to organize some activities, and everyone who wanted from the group, could participate. Fortunately and undoubtedly, every each of us had desire to participate and see what the others have to offer. The coffee breaks were a very creative way on which everyone could present his/her country and tradition. Even more, we found out there are really some extreme similarities in coffee traditions in our countries. Additionally, every night, there were variety of activities during which we filled our free time with interesting moments. This and much more that we won’t mention J had happened during a period of 6 days, which unfortunately passed incredibly fast! Creative Exercise – Lotus
Photo: Elena Petrevska In my country, we never ever do like this…! J BUT on this training, yes, we did something better! We connected as a team! Even though at the beginning only a group, until the end we became the dream team that knows what hard work, as well as enjoyment is. Written by Elena Petrevska, particant of the training course Thinkertoys for Educators organized by Latvian organization Room of Fulfilled Dreams under YiA Programme.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’