As a part of different projects, we have several publications from a variety of topics. You can find booklets, magazines, manuals and educational materials which are created with multiple partners. You are free to use and share these online publications in your workshops, projects or for other educational purposes! Just appreciate the author and always mention the source when sharing.

Transnational study on mental health needs for VET learners and professionals
This study is carried out within the MIND project aiming to strengthen the capacity of VET professionals to reinforce their mental health practices and promote socio-emotional well-being for VET learners in mobility projects.
Step-by-step guide to international mobility mentoring
The guide for youth professionals has a specific objective: to assist in implementing mentoring activities within their organisations on a European scale.
Transnational research “Keep dreaming”
The importance of our KA2 “Keep Dreaming” research is to learn how mental health can play a role in young people’s social participation and improve the quality of their community actions.
Transnational study on mentoring needs
Through this study, the MENTOR project aims to understand the needs and expectations of mentors and mentees in order to develop a mentoring system adapted to international mobility experiences at the EU level.
SOUP Sharing
SOUP is a micro-granting public dinner celebrating and supporting creative projects and communities around the world. The pitchers present their concepts and the audience donates and votes for the most liked pitch. The winner receives collected money from the tickets. There is a time for networking while enjoying warm soup. Did you like the concept? Take a look into this handbook and maybe you will be the next SOUP organizer!
Прирачник за управување со волонтери во граѓански организации
Основната цел на Прирачникот за управување со волонтери во граѓанските организации е да им помогне и да им ја олесни работата со волонтерите на граѓанските организации.
Студија на случај за родови стереотипи за учество на млади жени во процесите на донесување на одлуки во неразвиените делови на Скопскиот регион
Студијата на случај за стереотипите за учеството на младите жени во процесот на донесување на одлуки во Скопскиот регион е дел од проектот ″Младинско учество за силен и одржлив развој на заедницата″, поддржан од Европската Унија, кој има за цел да придонесе кон независно и одржливо граѓанско општество поддржано од погодна средина која поттикнува партиципативни и родово-сензитивни процеси на креирање младински политики.
From Pixels to Profit: Steps to Monetizing Digital Art
This booklet has been prepared within the framework of the Erasmus+ project DALI 4 YOUTH implemented by Ici & Ailleurs from Reunion Island, France, in partnership with Volunteers Centre Skopje (Macedonia), ZINI Foundation (Latvia), Centre for Research and European Studies (Italy) and Open Europe (Spain). It provides a description of steps and ways to turn digital art into a source of income, as well as success stories of young people creating digital art in Macedonia.
Entrepreneurship, digital content & branding - Training kit for youth workers
Following the completion of Musicling in the partner countries, the consortium has
reached an understanding that training needs have to be addressed and associated
material has to be developed along four modules related to the areas identified in
young entrepreneurs’ literacy and training. Thus, the identified needs allowed for the
formulation of the following training Modules:
Module No.1: Speak in Public
Module No.2: Run a Business
Module No.3: Visual Identity
Module No.4: Community engagement
Youth Workers Guide for Digital Social Inclusion of Young People with Fewer Opportunities
“Youth workers guide for digital social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities” was produced within the project F.O.R.Z.A. acronym for Fewer Opportunities Rethinking Z to A and developed to introduce youth workers and other practitioners like trainers and peer educators to digital practices of collecting data and thus creating individual learning curricula targeted to young people.
Evaluation Report | Peeract project
This report on the “Framework for promoting anti-bias education using collaborative communities” provides the results from the evaluation conducted for the PeerAct project and makes a series of recommendations on future development of the programme. Elements to consider as the programme is adapted to other local contexts are also suggested.
Increasing Competencies of Young People to Use Media and Theater Based Tools to Combat Hate Speech
The Booklet of good practices is part of the project “NO Hate Speech: Increasing Competencies of Young People to Use Media and Theater Based Tools to Combat Hate Speech”. The project consisted of two youth exchanges, one was realized in Aarhus, Denmark and second, in Ljubojno, Macedonia. In this booklet are included: day by day follow-up on activities, pictures from sessions, description of methods and activities during both exchanges.
Алатки за младински работници за креирање одржливи волонтерски програми
Практичен водич со неколку алатки кои ќе им помагнат на младинските работници и
обучувачите да дизајнираат и имплементираат одржливи волонтерски програми во организациите. Оваа алатка е дизајнирана како производ од проектот „Волонтерско поврзување на заедниците“, кофинансиран од Еразмус + и имплементиран од Млади Волонтери Високо и партнерите.
Родово-базирано насилство | Прирачник
Прирачник за превенција од родово-базирано насилство меѓу младите. Овој прирачник претставува едукативен материјал наменет за млади и за тие кои работат со млади, како во институциите, така и во граѓанскиот сектор. Изготвен е како дел од активностите во проектот ,,Избираме ненасилство” со поддршка од програмата ,,Еразмус+ Млади во акција”.
A Roadmap for Active Citizens & Future Shapers
Do you have an idea that can change the future? This interactive planner has been designed to motivate you to shape the future and guide you along the way. It has 6 chapters, with each offering insights, tools and techniques compiled to support you with making your ideas reality! Think of it as your coach, mentor, assistant and friend that will be by your side. It’s created as a part of the project “European Youth at the Frontlines of Active Citizenship”.
Gender equality toolkit for camp leaders
This toolkit was created during the Erasmus+ project P.R.O.U.D. (“Promoting Rights and Opportunities to Understand Diversity”) in 2020. It’s meant for all group leaders, trainers, facilitators and youth workers who are interested in learning more about gender equality and how to deal with gender-based conflicts or issues in workcamps.
Creative writing as a tool for community change
The Booklet of good practices is part of the project “Creative writing as a tool for community change”. The project was realized in Struga, Macedonia. In this booklet are included part of the methods and activities on the Training Course.
Emotional intelligence and conflict management
“Get Updated: Project for Professional Development of Youth Workers” was a project project realized in two stages. One TC in London about emotional intelligence. Second stage was a TC about conflict management and communication in Struga, Macedonia. In this booklet are included part of the methods and activities on the TC.
Media4Inclusion booklet
This booklet consists methods that were used during the project “Media: Key Tool of Social Inclusion”. There were 3 parts: kick-off meeting, “Web Radio Journalism” and “Storytelling” training courses about media literacy, journalism, web radio, social inclusion through media and storytelling and among other things.
Volunteering projects & Good practices
This brochure highlights the works of several NGO’s and Youth organizations in the Erasmus+ framework as well as the experiences of European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteers all across Europe.
Знаењето ги победува табуата
Краток водич за сексуално и репродуктивно здравје на младите луѓе
Младинска вработеност во Makedonija
За подобро разбирање на целиот процес на функционирање и создавање на младинските банки, во рамки на проектот Мрежа на младински банки – Македонија, а со поддршка на Civic Engagement Project-North Macedonia, и Fondacija Mozaik, го креиравме Водичот за младински банки во Македонија – за ангажирани млади и одговорни заедници!
Регистар на невладини организации во Скопје
Регистарот на невладини организации на Град скопје е изработен во рамки на проектот „Заедно до подобро општество!“. Во рамки на проектот организиран беше 4-ти НВО Саем на град Скопје „Заедно до подобро општество!“, на 5-ти декември 2018 година во НУБ „Св. Климент Охридски“.
Огледало на културите
Сликовницата Огледало на културите е изработена од страна на Волонтерски Центар Скопје во рамки на проектот „Без расправање“ финансиран од страна на Фондација Отворено општество – Македонија. Целта на сликовницата е преку мултимедијален текст културите кои кохабитираат во Македонија да се сознаат подлабоко и да превземаат инцијатива за културна интеракција.
Media literacy: Methods & Tools
This Booklet is a product of the project ‘Media Literacy – Step to Inclusive Society’ containing three phases: job shadowing, conference and training course. The Booklet offers practical non-formal methods & tools successfully implemented during the project aimed towards supporting young people and youth workers to contribute to building greater tolerance towards cultural diversity in Europe and to developing more critical stand towards media products while acknowledging the best ways to use media for creating better functioning multicultural societies.