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(Македонски) Повик за учесници за младинска размена!

Одење во Косово на младинска размена?! Зошто да не!

Повик за 5 македонски учесници за младинската размена ,,Encouraging Minorities and Media” во Приштина, Косово во периодот од 15ти до 23ти септември 2018 година.

Краток опис на проектот:

It is the time for youth to take media into their own hands. This is the reason why the youth exchange “Encouraging Minorities and media” strives to bring and connect together young people and to give them the opportunity to focus on how the media portrays the marginalized groups across our communities and countries. Through non-formal learning methods of backpack journalism, participants will examine what does it mean to be part of a marginalized group and increase their own media literacy by recognizing how media builds the images in our communities of “the others”. Encouraging Minorities and media is an Erasmus+ youth exchange concentrated on young people who would like to increase their ability of recognising information about minorities from media field. Youth exchange should also show them how to to create their own opinion based on valid sources. The project is targeting on inclusion of european youth. There will be differrent kinds of its goals is to naturally create collective of european people regardless their nationality and backgrounds. Participants will succeed as long as they are eager to face the challenge of being dropped into a new environment, working creatively with a team and using simple audio/photo/video devices to interview locals. The techniques that participants will practice in Kosovo can easily be transferred back to their home countries resulting simultaneously in a higher level of social inclusion and employability for youth from EU and non-EU Countries.

Повеќе информации можете да најдете на следниот линк: Info Pack YE KOSOVO

Доколу сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од овој проект кој е дел од Еразмус + програмата и на кој ќе ви бидат покриени трошоците за пат и сместување,  испратете ваша кратка биографија и мотивационо писмо на најдоцна до 5ти септември 2018 до 16.00 часот.

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