
Ви објавуваме Повик за  ЧЕТИРИ слободни места за учесници(младински работници, лидери, координатори) на возраст над 18години на младинската обука со наслов “Career Kickstarter ” која ќе се одржи во периодот од 8 до 17 јуни 2018г. во Велке Павловице, Република Чешка.

Детали за проектот ‘Career Kickstarter”:

The specific criteria based on which we will evaluate applicants and select participants:
• Experience in youth work
• Interest in the topic of the project
• Motivation to participate in the project
• Experience in facilitation or supporting group learning activities
Participant’s prerequisites:
• Be a youth worker
• Be present and have an active participation on all sessions of the TC

  • Show initiative and interest in the topic and follow up activities.

Project Schedule
The structure of the training course will consist of the following five phases:
Phase 1 – team building, getting to know each other; Code of Conduct; safety, protection and risk prevention; introduction to Youthpass; expectations, fears and contributions.
Phase 2 – theoretical background on non-formal methodology and techniques in the context of European youth work and hands on experiencing the core skills of a youth worker.
Phase 3 – applying tools to empower youths, applying the set of tools developed in the previous days to support students within the work visit community in Brno, where participants will interact with locals.
Phase 4 – discovering Erasmus+ and thinking of future projects ideas, future partners collaboration; dissemination products.
Phase 5 – DEOR and follow-up; YouthPass certification and final evaluation.

Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од оваа младинска обука ве замолуваме да ни ја испратите вашата биографија(CV) на англиски јазик на нашата емаил адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.com, најдоцна до Понеделник 14  Мај 2018 година!

Во очекување сме на Вашите пријави.

Со Почит,

Тимот на ВЦС

InfoPack – Career Kickstarter