You are currently viewing (Македонски) Повик за учесници на младинска размена во Словенија!

(Македонски) Повик за учесници на младинска размена во Словенија!

Словенија, спојот на Балканот и западна Европа.

Отворен повик за еден лидер и пет учесници на младинска размена во Черномељ, Словенија која се одржува од 16ти октомври до 24ти октомври 2018.

Краток опис на проектот:

The Youth Exchange Back to the Roots, which will take place in Črnomelj, Slovenia, will consist of 36 participants and group leaders aged between 18 and 30 years. The exchange will take place in October 2018. This year is the year of European Cultural Heritage, which is one of the main reasons why we want to carry out this exchange. Through it we want young people, living in age of hyperglobalization, to draw attention to the importance of a rich cultural heritage. In this context we want to show them how certain historical events influenced the way of living and shaped the culture and ethnicity of the local environment. We are faced with younger generations not being familiar with the importance of cultural heritage, which due to globalization is disappearing from our consciousness. Through the exchange we want to present the cultural features of our environment and learn how to preserve these specialties and how to successfully promote them as an important factor in the tourist offer. During the exchange we want to create a small brochure that will be used by local tourist centres for promotion. This will include information about the history, tradition, customs and tourist points of the Uskoki.

Повеќе информации можете да најдете на следниот линк: Infopack_Back to the roots_2018

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