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Ви објавуваме повик за ЕДЕН ЕВС волонтер на веќе одобрен проект во Романија со наслов “Europe Online”-во Арад, Романија со времетраење од 6 месеци (10.06.2018 – 10.12.2018).

Детали за проектот “Europe Online”-

The following activities will be done in Arad during the stages:

  1. Non-formal educational workshops regarding digital-media and internet safety among studentsfrom 4 high-schools.

– interactive debates and presentations followed by relevant media materials;
– role-plays,debates and examples of situation of online abuse and how to stop them;
– organizing event like оpen cafе, treasure hunt or other methods in order to identify the
a) solutions to prevent online abuses and possible local stakeholders who are relevant in the
project context like: NGOs, websites etc;
b) different useful apps for learning process.
– creating monthly 5 min video together with the students from the partners highschools.The
videos should reflect the learning lessons that the students achieved in that particular month
together with the methods used by you;
– interactive sessions of promoting Erasmus+ and EVS.

  1. Online/offline awareness and prevention campaign regarding internet abuses:

– Creating an documentary video regarding advantages and disadvantages of using IT technology by
youngsters from local community (interviews, recons, creative using of articles or object for the given
– organising non-formal sessions to prepare local multipliers. Will be invited to take part in this
sessions: NGOS presidents, local media, local authorities, students and parents representatives,
internet suppliers,etc. Together with them you will create attractive materials easy to access
regarding online safety;
– TV Europe Online – organizing in the office a TV studio and creating video to promote internet safety
like: tutorials for detection/ avoid /reporting cases of online abuses,non-formal interviews with
experts,etc.The materials will be created weekly and published on e-channels of the project like
Facebook page, Youtube etc;
– activities for combating fake news or hate speech regarding local negative reaction towards
refugees crisis.

  1. Media literacy for adults 40+:

– support activities inside media literacy program of A.D Xenopol Library Arad;
– Photo-voice method implemented within 10 seniors thru witch you will express the challenges that
they are facing because of lack of digital competences;
– media literacy with parents/grandparents.

Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете волонтер на овој проект ве замолуваме да ни испратите ваша биографија(CV) на англиски јазик на нашата мејл адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.comнајдоцна до Сабота 26 Maj 2018 година!

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