November is an amazing month when we start to get ready for Christmas. In the preparation for the best time of the year for some people, start the movie season as well. You don´t know what to watch? The topic of the month can solve that with some of the classic Macedonian movies. In this…



While everything around us is preparing for passing and new beginnings, all is slowly falling into place. The most beautiful colors are taking over every part of the city, it is sheer impossible to ignore that seasons are changing. The year is coming to its end in vibrant red and golden colours, all awaiting the…



August is here as you can see from the weather and from the new Voices edition! Are you already getting enough from this sun or are you craving even more? Remember to stay hydrated and enjoy this weather, it’s not lasting forever. Speaking about hydration, did you know that people in Mexican village consume significantly…



Le vent se lève! … Il faut tenter de vivre!* (Le cimetière marin – Paul Valéry, 1920) Sun is shining, temperatures are rising and people are escaping to the sea: welcome to July! It’s now the time to relax, party or enjoy a good sunbath (but remember to stay hydrated!). While everyone is enjoying the…



“In the summertime, when the weather is hot, you can reach right up and touch the sky” - Mungo Jerry Ahh summertime at last! Nice to see y’all again for this June edition. I can already see you all looking forward to take a dip in the pool or the sea, enjoying an ice cream…



Gratitude is the art of being thankful and appreciative of our things in life. Not only that, you could say that being grateful is a lifestyle where one is capable of valuing what he has instead of what he is missing.  200.000 people die every day from natural causes, and today you were not one…


Voices April 2022

Oh, April! The month of rebirth and re-awakening – look at those trees and flowers! After a surprisingly long winter, we can enjoy the sunny and warm weather again. Can you smell the new adventures in the air? Finally, we can say bye-bye to winter coats and enjoy outdoor activities. Hiking to Vodno every weekend?…


VOICES March 2022

Hello everyone, in the women's month and spring. Warm days are coming! This month is extraordinary for women, especially March 8, when we celebrate their day, and we should say a special "thank you" for all the female achievements in society. Also, let's not forget about the fight for gender equality. In the month's topic,…


VOICES February 2022

After January - the month of New Year's resolutions - it's time for February, the year’s shortest month. And with it another edition of our magazine! Probably most of you associate the second month of the year with the holiday of lovers. So how is it with this love? Check topic of the month! You…


VOICES January 2022

How time is flying! We are already in the new year of 2022. Technically speaking, it’s not one year that changes, but one day. Yet we like to use this new number as an occasion to work on ourselves: Should I go to the gym more often? This year I will eat healthily and spend more…


VOICES December 2021

Fasten your seatbelts. The end of the year is approaching fast. December is the month of joy, happiness, and an opportunity to finish what you started. It’s also a time to reflect, review our past, and make plans for the new year.   Don’t dwell on the past too much, though. Grab a cup of…


VOICES November 2021

November is the month of gratitude, and though it is rough this year, it is a reminder that we must reflect, be mindful and grateful for what we have already achieved, while setting goals and aiming higher and higher. And so did Tomasz Sobania, a 23-year-old guy, who ran the equivalent of a marathon every…


VOICES October 2021

Longer evenings and colder nights remind us that it’s already autumn outside. For many, it is a time when energy diminishes and the mood comes for activities that do not necessarily bring such joy during the summer. Who wants to sit under the blanket watching a sad movie when you can spend this time actively…


VOICES September 2021

“There are no rewards or punishments in nature: there are consequences.” – Robert Green IngersollA new edition of Voices is waiting for you, which introduces us to the new month – September. It is a breakthrough time of the year, not only for people but also for nature. In September, there is an autumn equinox…


VOICES August 2021

“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other.” As floods and wildfires are taking place in European countries, we are once again facing big challenges as a society. Let’s also not forget that we are still going through a pandemic. Everything is more difficult for us, but things are even more difficult for…


VOICES July 2021

The temperature has considerably increased in Macedonia, and our daily lives are being replaced by visions of a dip in the sea or the swimming pool or a breath of air in the mountains. However, here in VCS, we are still working hard for you! Little by little, music events are being allowed, and we…


VOICES June 2021

We can all agree that time had a different way of behaving during past year, for some it might feel like years; others tell how fast it went through their eyes. What was something that us, humans, social beings found most difficult, is distance from each other. Spring brought up what we were looking for;…


VOICES May 2021

Hey, it’s May! What do you think about May? Isn’t it a very special month? Did you know that no other month of a given year starts or ends on the same day of the week as May does? May is a month full of change. In May the climate changes, the society changes, our…


VOICES April 2021

Ah, Spring! It finally feels like spring. We hear the birds,f eel the sun warming our faces, start to ditch the scarfs and boots…So much more daylight, so much more energy. Parks become the place to be – nobody wants to stay inside on days like these. Camping starts to sound good after months of…


VOICES March 2021

As VCS is turning 15 years old, we are celebrating all the people that were inspired to grow in that time. But let's be more specific! What is VCS all about? For me, it's all about change and joy through small actions. Sure, volunteers are leaving their comfort zone behind to have new beginnings in…