Welcome to our new volunteers from Turkey: Meet Deniz, Senem, Enes and Eren

Four young and ambitious volunteers from Turkey made our family bigger these days. Volunteers Center Skopje in the next two months will host Deniz, Senem, Enеs and Eren. They will work in the magazine "Voices", also helping in the Daycare Centre for street children in Shuto Orizari, will follow the whole process of work in…


Volunteerism is alive… And it’s here in Macedonia

Six young Catalans decided to step outside their comfort zone and despite the situation with “Covid-19” to come to Macedonia in late October 2020 for vocational education and training (VET) purposes. Bianca, Maria, Antoni, Jostyn, IIlya, and Oscar studied trade, tourism, and sports. In the next two months, Volunteers Centre Skopje as a host of…


Welcome Sascha, our new volunteer from Germany!

Zdravo! My name is Sascha (not Alexander! Yes, Sascha is a real name in Germany) but my friends call me Snorre. I am from Magdeburg/Germany. After almost ten years of voluntary-work in the field of non-formal youth-education, telling school-kids how useful and awesome a long-term mobility-experience is, I finally got to making such an experience…


Добредојде за Евелина, нашиот нов волонтер од Полска

Здраво на сите! Јас сум Евелина и дојдов во оваа сончева земја од Полска. Многу сум љубопитна да откривам други земји и култури и имам доволно храброст да одам и да го откривам светот но сеуште немам доволно развиени способности да зборувам за себе па затоа не знам и од каде да започнам. Можеби треба…