Towards Effective Humanitarian Volunteering

TEHV (Towards Effective Humanitarian Volunteering) project aimed to prepare organizations for hosting volunteers through multiple online trainings on safety and security, policies (e.g. safeguarding, data protection, equal opportunities), communication, volunteer management, mentoring, and DRR (disaster risk reduction). TEHV - Towards Effective Humanitarian Volunteering Why do organizations wish to host volunteers? "We want to grow together".…


I Love YOU…RBAN! TC in Turin, Italy

From 7 until 15 of August 2021, we, in the role of volunteers from Volunteers Centre Skopje had the opportunity to participate in the youth exchange "I love you...rban!" held in Turin, Italy. During the youth exchange, we were able to share our opinions on issues like racism, violence, and nationalism with our peers from…


Call for a youth exchange in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 7 participants (16-25) and one youth leader (+18) from Macedonia to participate in the youth exchange “Volunteering Matters” within the project VCC 2.0 (Volunteering Connecting Communities) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Date: 30.10-6.11.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on…


Call for a training course in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 participants (+18) from Macedonia to participate in the training course "Short videos as a tool for online and offline campaigns in order to prevent violence in youth relationships" within the project #YOUTHTOO in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Date: 20.10-29.10.2021 !! There might be possible…


Call for a youth exchange in Romania!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (18–25 years old) and 1 youth leader (18+) from Macedonia to participate in the Youth Exchange “The land I love” in Romania. Place: Sărata-Monteoru, Buzău in Romania Date: 27.10.-05.11.21 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19, as…


Call for volunteers in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 short-term (6 weeks) volunteers to participate in an ESC project called “Hey Christmas Carol 3!” in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Place: Bydgoszcz, Poland Date: 7.11.2021 – 19.12.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !! About the project: In the…


Call for volunteers in Croatia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for two long-term volunteers (18-30 years old) to participate in an ESC project called “Circles of Solidarity” in Zagreb, Croatia. Place: Zagreb, Croatia Date: 2.11.2021–1.06.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !! About the project: The main and long-term…


Call for volunteers from Finland to Macedonia!

Volunteer Centre Skopje is looking for 18-30 year old volunteers from Finland to participate in the European Solidarity Corps project “Exchanging VOICES for intercultural learning”. Place: Skopje, Macedonia Date: Starts from January 2022 (12 months) or January 2022 (1-2 months) ! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19…


VOICES October 2021

Longer evenings and colder nights remind us that it’s already autumn outside. For many, it is a time when energy diminishes and the mood comes for activities that do not necessarily bring such joy during the summer. Who wants to sit under the blanket watching a sad movie when you can spend this time actively…


Call for volunteer in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 1 long-term (12 months) volunteer to participate in an ESC project called “Open to local communities” in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Place: Bydgoszcz, Poland Date: 01.11.2021 – 01.11.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !! About the project: We are…


Welcome to VCS for our new Spanish trio: Andrea, Miguel, and Elena!

On Sunday afternoon, three students from Spain crossed the sky and landed in Skopje. Our new friends will have the opportunity to work in the sports center "Moj Trener" and travel agency "Arbotravel" in frames of the “Erasmus+” - Vocational education and training (VET) program. Volunteers Centre Skopje is happy to be their host organization.…


Call for volunteers in Turkey!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 short-term (2 months) volunteers to participate in an ESC project called “Join our Intergenerational Journey 2020” in Ankara, Turkey. Place: Ankara, Turkey Date: 1st group: starting from the Mid-October 2021 for 2 months - 2 volunteers 2nd group: starting from the beginning of December 2021 for 2 months…


Call for volunteers in Croatia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 volunteers (18 – 30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the long-term ESC volunteering project “Environmental education and awareness raising activities” in Croatia. Place: Split, Croatia Date: 01.11.2021 - 01.11.2022 (1st volunteer) 01.12.2021 - 01.12.2022 (2nd volunteer) !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates…


Call for a Youth Exchange in Estonia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 5 participants (18 – 25 years old) and 1 youth leader (18+) from Macedonia to participate in the Youth Exchange “Be an Agent of Change” in Estonia. The youth leader has to participate in an Advanced Planning Visit from 08.10. to 11.10.21 in Tartu as well! Place: Viljandi, Estonia Date: 26.10.…


Training-Course, Ankara: Digital Youth At Your Best

The project was held from 23rd until 30th of August 2021 in Ankara, Turkey. Four participants from Macedonia participated in the project: Sanja, Angela, Mimi and Veljan. The other participants were from Romania, Turkey, Italy, Lithuania and Spain. The age range was from 18 to 40 years old. The group in Ankara was very productive,…


Fake news, true friendships

Internet is both a blessing and a curse. Why? On paper, it offers you to connect with people easily, to play games, and also offers you access to hundreds of information. But in reality, many of the things you read on the internet are questionable and even ridiculous compared to the real situation. In the…


“School meets business”

After the implementation of Module 2 for school coordinators, implemented with physical presence of the participants, Volunteers Centre Skopje organized and implemented the last remaining modules of the project “School meets business”. In the period between 19-27th of August 2021, the trainings for school coordinators were successfully implemented, trainings meant for the professors of the…