Call for Training Course in France!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Training Course “Tools TOOLS - Tools to Open Our Leaders’ Skills” in Varaignes, France. Place: Varaignes, France. Date: 19.4 – 28.4.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with…


Call for a Training Course in Hungary!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 3 participants (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Training Course "Looking through the Loupe at the Youth" in Hungary. Place: Mezobereny, Hungary Date: 25.03 – 02.04.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !!…


Imagine, Improvise, Integrate!

Creative writing and storytelling are powerful tools to address issues of stereotyping, discrimination, and hate speech. It helps people express anger, helplessness, exclusion and similar feelings in a constructive way. These creative methods are focused on speaking up, raising your voice about injustice, racism, sexism, etc., and hate speech that is usually used against marginalized…


Call for a Training course in Czech Republic!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 3 participants (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Training Course “Digital Resilience 4 You(th)! ” in Czech Republic. Place: Blansko, Czech Repuplic Date: 19.3 – 26.3.2022 According to the request of the host organization, this project requires you to be fully vaccinated (2 doses) with one…


Call for a training course in Romania!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 participants (+20 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the training course “Theater tools for dramatic situations” in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania. Place: Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania Date: 02.02 –10.02.2022 !!According to the regulations of the Romanian authorities and the request of the host organization, entry…


Call for a training course in Turkey!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (+18 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the training course “Youth Empowerment and HUMAN RIGHTS (Y.E.A.H.!)”. Place: Kemer, Antalya, Turkey Date: 1.03.2022-7.03.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !! !! Due to a request of…


The greatest threat to youth – radicalization

“Preventing the conflicts of tomorrow means changing the mindset of youth today.”- Graça Machel While most of us are familiar with the concept of radicalization, it is often difficult to define it. We also narrow down its meaning to a specific group, e.g., terrorist or religious groups, which does not reflect the phenomenon’s complexity. What…


All Aboard the MentorShip

Volunteers Centre Skopje is part of the project "All Aboard the MentorShip". The project is funded by the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility, and is implemented by the organization "Info Front - Prilep" Main goal of the project is to train youth workers in the field of mentorship by sharing good practices…


Another step in the development of future facilitators!

Diversity & anti-discrimination was the main topic of the “PeerAct” training course in Struga. Youth in the partnership countries still discriminate and show intolerance towards their peers (based on religion, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, or sexual orientation or simply not fitting the social norms). This situation is not compatible with EU values, and a solution…


Call for a training course in Macedonia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 participants (18+ years old) from Macedonia to participate in the training course “Empathy through creativity” in the frames of the project “Imagine, Improvise, Integrate” in Macedonia. Place: Struga, Macedonia Date: 25.11-3.12.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19,…


Call for a training course in Macedonia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 5 participants (18-35 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the training course “Preventing radicalization of young people through youth work” in Macedonia. Place: Struga, Macedonia Date: 25.11-3.12.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19, as well as the…


I Love YOU…RBAN! TC in Turin, Italy

From 7 until 15 of August 2021, we, in the role of volunteers from Volunteers Centre Skopje had the opportunity to participate in the youth exchange "I love you...rban!" held in Turin, Italy. During the youth exchange, we were able to share our opinions on issues like racism, violence, and nationalism with our peers from…


Call for a training course in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 participants (+18) from Macedonia to participate in the training course "Short videos as a tool for online and offline campaigns in order to prevent violence in youth relationships" within the project #YOUTHTOO in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Date: 20.10-29.10.2021 !! There might be possible…


Training-Course, Ankara: Digital Youth At Your Best

The project was held from 23rd until 30th of August 2021 in Ankara, Turkey. Four participants from Macedonia participated in the project: Sanja, Angela, Mimi and Veljan. The other participants were from Romania, Turkey, Italy, Lithuania and Spain. The age range was from 18 to 40 years old. The group in Ankara was very productive,…


Call for Training Course in Macedonia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (18+ years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Training Course “Get Eco, Stay Friendly!” in Struga, Macedonia. Place: Struga, Macedonia. Date: 23.9 – 29.9.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 The project will focus on…


Call for a training course in Hungary!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 3 participants (+18 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the training course “Changemaker 3.0” in Hungary. Place: Hollókő, Hungary Date: 4.10 –13.10.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !! About the project: “Changemaker 3.0” is a 9-days…


Call for a training course in Poland

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 youth workers (18+) from Macedonia to participate in a training course “Europe: Bring back the love” in Nowy Gierałtów, Poland. Place: Nowy Gierałtów, Poland Date: 27.08 - 03.09.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19  About the project: Youth workers…


Call for a training course in Turkey

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (+18 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the training course “Digital Youth at Your Best” in Turkey. Place: Ankara, Turkey Date: 23.08 – 30.08.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 ! About the project: Training…