
Ви објавуваме повик за 6 (шест) учесници на возраст од 18+ години на меѓународен  младински камп дел од проектот со наслов “Boosting Transversal Skills“  (BOOTS), финасиран преку Еразмус+ програмата на Европска Комисија. Меѓународниот младински камп ќе се одржи од 12 до 19 јули 2018 година во Градачац, Босна и Херцеговина.

Short description of the project:

“Boosting Transversal Skills“ (BOOTS) is the title of an Erasmus+ project funded by the German National Agency “Jugend für Europa”. BOOTS is implemented by nine organisations from seven countries. Coordinator is the NGO Memos e.V. from Berlin (Germany), partners are the Institute for Youth Development KULT International BURCH University and the e-learning provider IDEGO (all from Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina), Volunteers Centre Skopje (Macedonia), Medway Youth Trust from Kent (UK), Mladinski Center Velenje (Slovenia), Romska Budućnostfrom Rijeka (Croatia) and Ligo Lex Legis from Prishtina (Kosovo).
What are “Transversal skills”?
According to the definition of Erasmus+ transversal skills include the ability to think critically, to be curious and creative, to take initiative, to solve problems and to work collaboratively, to be able to communicate efficiently in a multicultural and interdisciplinary environment, to be able to adapt to context and to cope with stress and uncertainty.  Transversal Skills are also called “transferable skills”, “soft skills”, “life skills” or “21st century skills”.
Between 12th and 19th of July 2018, the Institute for Youth Development KULT (Gradačac) is hosting an International Youth Camp for 45 young people from seven countries.  The participants will showcase the importance of “transversal skills” by putting them into practice. The 8-day-event will take place in the Northern Bosnian town of  Gradačac.

Food services and accommodation, including tents and mattresses are provided by the organizers. The participants are asked to bring their own towels, pillows, sleeping bags or blankets. There is no participation fee and the travel expenses will be reimbursed within the range of the grants provided by Erasmus+.

Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од меѓународниот младински камп попoлнете ја апликацијата на следниот линк: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DRWSX5M .

Краен рок за пријавување е 9-ти јули 2018 година.

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