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(Македонски) Повторно се случува. Младинска размена во Бугарија.

Младинска размена во Бугарија. Продолжение на успешен проект во Сандандски.

Волонтерски Центар Скопје објавува повик за шест учесници на возраст од 18 до 25 години и еден лидер со над 18 години на младинска размена која ќе се одржи од 10ти ноември до 19ти ноември во Сандански, Бугарија.

Краток опис на проектот:

With the implementation of the project “YES – Youth European Strategy 2” we strive to create conditions and opportunities for the revealing of the talent and potential for development of young people, increasing their confidence in their own capabilities, creativity and motivation by obtaining new knowledge, planning skills, pragmaticity and initiative.
One of the objectives is to focus on pragmatism and initiative, as useful skills for planning and practical implementation of the strategy to achieve a certain purpose and results. These skills give confidence and increase the motivation for personal growth and professional development.
On one hand the active participation in the learning process and planning, combined with the methods of non-formal education, “learning by doing” and shared experience will contribute to reveal the potential of young people. On the other hand the results achieved in different stages of the implementation of the program of the exchange and their rationalization and reflection will contribute to the boost of self-esteem and confidence in their own capabilities, which will certainly increase the motivation for participation, development and realization of young people. We believe that talented young people who study or practice as a hobby performing arts (dances, music and singers) and young people who study or are interested in photography, video capture, PR or journalism, through the power of their talent and favorite art, are able to transmit and deliver messages that lead to positive and meaningful change for development in the community of local national and international level.

Повеќе информации може да најдете на следниот линк:DESCRIPTION-YES-Youth European Strategy 2-18-08-2018

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Волонтерски Центар Скопје