How I said YES for EVS

Since I had finished high-school I wanted to have EVS experience and I always saw EVS as a great opportunity to live in new place, different culture and people. That looked very cool for me. But I was waiting too long. This summer, in June 2018, accidentally, I saw Facebook post and call for short-term…


EVS on Mediterranean Games

Macedonian girls, Simona Velkovska (22y.)  Isaja Karadakovska (20y.) and Kristina Lukanovska spend last June in Tarragona, Spain where they took part in European Voluntary Service. It’s the international volunteer programme funded by European Commission which enables young people (aged between 18- 30) to carry out voluntary service in non-governmental organization or public body mainly in…


EVS in Toledo

I am a volunteer at “CECAP” an organization whose goal is to make everyday life easier for the people with disabilities and to help their integration into society. My work as a volunteer consists of going to the gym with these people; help them in doing the free-time activities etc. I also took part in…


EVS in Toledo

Hi, my name is Nikola Spasovski. I am 20 years old and I am a student of Spanish language and literature and the Faculty of philology in Skopje. In November last year I saw an urgent call for a volunteer. Without a second thought I applied and right now I am in Toledo, Castile-La Mancha…


EVS in Spain

Today, I want to give you some tips and recommendations: once you’ve decided you want to volunteer, do some research. It’s nice if you have some kind of idea about where you want to go and what kind of project you want to work on. Find a project you like, do some research and apply.…


EVS in Romania

We are volunteering in the special needs school, with kids with intellectual disabilities, and with kids with hearing impairment. Also we are volunteering in the Center for kids and young adults with autism. We spend most of our time doing activities in the latter. Spending time with these kids puts life into perspective. I mean,…


Once in a lifetime experience !

At the moment we are working in one school for deaf children, and another two centers (one public and one private) for children with disabilities (autism, Down syndrome, intellectual disability). We are going to stay and work in Bucharest until December. In the following months we will start work in hospitals and centers for elder…


Natasha : EVS in Arad

Hello! My name is Natasha, and  I am not 19 (just for the record). I am from Macedonia, currently volunteering in Arad, Romania. My project will last for 11 months and I am quite sure this will be a huge opportunity for me to learn new skills and strengthen the ones I have. This project…


Ivan : EVS in Arad

While you are reading this, I am in Arad, Romania volunteering on an 11-month project named OLE or Outdoor Leisure Education together with two volunteers from Macedonia and six more from Spain and Portugal (that we are still waiting to come). The project will involve the children with obesity problems and our mission will be…


My volunteering experience in Arad

Here we've also met many other volunteers from around the World that work on different projects what makes our stay even more exciting. Now let me tell you about our project – OLE. OLE or Outdoor Leisure Education is a project that involves the children with obesity. Our goal is to show these children how…


EVS in Spain

Моментот кога ќе те одберат два месеци пред  да наполниш 31 година, а максимум лимит за да оствариш ЕВС е 30, е тоа е среќа со сигурност, и плус  земја за волонтирање Шпанија,на среќата и немаше крај! :) Моето име е Викторија Цавироска и волонтирам во Колиндрес градче во близина на Билбао,  во период од…


EVS Recommendation Letter by Darko

The most interesting note is that actually during EVS you will help yourself more than you will help the local community. You are going to live in a foreign country for up to one year trying to interact with the locals whom you cannot understand when they address you, and trying to stay alongside your…


Borjanka: EVS in Arad

I am Borjanka from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Currently, I’m EVS volunteer on a project in Arad, Romania, which I found through ’’ Volunteers Center Skopje’’. The EVS project is called ‘’Outdoor Alternatives’’ and it lasts from February to July. Our activities include working in a forest, in the ‘’Corcubeu’’ school where we teach children…


EVS in Spain

Hello! My name is Gordana and I am a volunteer in Malaga, Spain. I work as a volunteer in the museum of science Principia. This project enabled me to improve my knowledge of Spanish and to improve my knowledge in science like biology, chemistry, physics etc. My work here is to explain the experiments and…


EVS in Turkey by Jasmina

Arriving for the first time in Istanbul before three months ago I was "yabancı" and my first destination where I should go was "Balat". I came in Istanbul as "yabancı", but since I entered in the narrow streets of this historic İstanbul neighborhood I have experienced some strange feelings of shared energy and identity,... I…


EVS in Slovenia: Aneta

L'Arche is a International Federation dedicated to the creation and growth of homes, programs, and support networks with people who have intellectual disabilities. Today, it is an international organization operating in 40 countries, and on six continents. My hosting organisation is Barka and is located in Slovenia. It is contained from two houses in which…