Ви објавуваме повик за еден ЕВС волонтер на возраст од 18-30 години на одобрен проект во Литванија, со времетраење од 7 месеци (01.05.2018 – 10.12.2018) во културен и информативен центар, кој е дел од национална библиотека ( ŠIAULIAI P.Višioskis Public Library) во Шиаулиај, Литванија.
Детали за проектот во ŠIAULIAI P.Višioskis Public Library:
1.The objectives of the project
General objectives of the project:
* With the help of international volunteers to explore and to showcase the innovations applied by the public libraries in Lithuania
* To lift the satellite initiatives of public libraries to the international/intercultural level
* To introduce added value to the series public libraries provide by introduction international volunteers;
Objectives directly linked with the priorities or Erasmus+:
* To support volunteers in the acquiring (improving) of the competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) – with the background aim to ease their integration into the labor market, formal education or other fields in the future.
* To provide the professional of the receiving organizations with opportunities to broaden the cope of their work and methods thus facilitating quality and initiation approaches towards the immediate
target groups.
* To help volunteers and organizations (staff that is involved) improve their foreign language skills(namely English and Lithuanian)
* To raise awareness of and tolerance to other cultures through linking people from different countries
Activates in a mobile IRT and innovations lab (iPAD computers, 3D printer, laptop computers, robotics kits, 3D goggles and augmented reality software). The lab is mobile and moves to remote village libraries, here educational activities take place for local kids and youth, especially the ones with special educational challenges.
General: Filling the library websites with context; Assistance for preparing a library radio show ;
Assistance in preparing a non-traditional English language lesson in American Reading room; creating a video-clip about the library’ role in the community and services; Work in Readers’ Service department:
book shelling, communication with library users, checking out books; Preparing library’s events, making posters, post-cards; scenario writing;
Technical information: Accommodation and travel costs are covered by hosting organization, monthly budget is 200 euro (120 food money and 80 pocket money)
Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете волонтер на горенаведениот проект Ве замолуваме да ни испратите ваша биографија на англиски јазик на нашата мејл адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.com, најдоцна до Среда 25 Април 2018 година!
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