Someone’s trash… other’s instrument.

We are a part of a project “Musicling” which aims to get youth to develop key skills for their future through creativity and arts, specifically music and crafts.

The project promotes entrepreneurship and provides tools and skills for the young people to start their own projects related to the topic. They gain skills on dissemination, management and social networks, promotion of products, as well as visibility of their creations.

By promoting environmental values and eco-awareness, the youngsters have a chance to learn how to create musical instruments from recycled waste, and how to play them.

Entrepreneurship, digital content & branding

Toolkit for youth workers

Волонтерски Центар Скопје го организира „Musicling“ како дел од проектот КА2: „ MUSICLING: Social entrepreneurship with recycled instruments” во рамки на програмата „Еразмус+“ на Европската комисија. Организатор на проектот е нашиот партнер од Шпанија - Xeracion Valencia, и партнери од Грција и Италија.