
Ви споделуваме повици за учесници од Македонија на престојни 2 проекти во организација на нашите локални партнери NGO”Next Generation” од Скопје.

Во прилог на овој повик можете да најдете повеќе информации за проектите:
1. Повик за 3 слободни места за младински работници/лидери/активисти на возраст над 20год. на ладинска обука со наслов Less opportunities + Media Tools = Better Opportunities” која ќе се одржи во перидот од 14 до 22 Април 2018г. во Врање, Србија.

Детали за проектот Less opportunities + Media Tools = Better Opportunities
The organizations are in permanent need of new approaches, developing of capacities of the staff members. Main motivation behind this project is to respond on this need and equipped the partner organizations by new competencies in the field of media. The consortium decided to focus on the topic of media tools from two main reasons:
The staff of partner’s organizations demonstrated strong interest to develop competencies to apply media tools at their work with young people with fewer opportunities;
Despite the general positive impressions about social media use in non-formal education, it’s essential to recognize that media tools cannot be used in every learning situation/context especially if we work with people with fewer opportunities facing series of obstacles and challenges. Also, media tools should not be used carelessly by people lacking needed knowledge and skills especially in the learning situations focusing on developing competencies of young people with fewer opportunities.

Краен рок за аплицирање е 1-ви Април 2018г. на следниот линк:

2. Повик за 3 слободни места за учесници на возраст од 18 до 30 год.на младинска размена на тема Gender through the screen која ќе се одржи во перидот од 22-30 Април 2018г. во Призрен, Косово.

Детали за проектот Gender through the screen:

We believe that media can be an important factor in the promotion of gender equality, both within the working environment and in the representation of women and men (in terms of fair gender portrayal and the use of neutral and non-gender specific language on images). We strongly believe that we as youth workers and community leaders should educate our youngsters how to proactively react to these happening, how to report the hate speech therein and how to not use a sexist language.

From idea into practice
Our project addresses gender as an equality issue, with positive approach to diminish the negative stereotypes and discrimination related to sex and/or gender. Bringing together in a consortium various NGO’s across EU and WB, the project is the best spot for the youth workers to not only discuss the problematic and come up with suggestions for a better portray of gender issues, but also as a practical example that shall encourage each participants, partner association, collaborator and other beneficiaries to take the gender issues in consideration when drafting their communication strategies and while reporting their youth activities and/or any other project to the media.
First, women are underrepresented, which falsely implies that men are the cultural standard and women are unimportant or invisible. Second, men and women are portrayed in stereotypical ways that reflect and sustain socially endorsed views of gender. Third, depictions of relationships between men and women emphasize traditional roles and normalize violence against women.

Краен рок за аплицирање е 1-ви Април 2018г. на следниот линк:
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