You are currently viewing (Македонски) Повик за 2-ца младински работници на семинар во Словенија

(Македонски) Повик за 2-ца младински работници на семинар во Словенија

Септември доаѓа, одморите привршуват време е за нови професионални надоградби на младинските работници!

Волонтерски Центар Скопје објавува повик за двајца младински работници на возраст од 18-30 години на семинар во Словенија, Љубљана од 7-ми до 14-ти септември 2018 година.

Кратоко опис на проектот:
The aim of this project is to bring together different actors form the field of inclusion. We often talk about inclusion as though there are
uniform steps which we can take in order to include everyone, in order to build a happy all inclusive society. For those who work with different marginalized groups of people, and young people with fewer opportunities, the reality of inclusion is a lot more complex. First there are many different factors why people experience exclusion on different levels: socioeconomic factors such as poverty, bad living conditions, migrant background or not belonging to the major ethnic group in one’s environment or country. Other circumstances can be related to health, mental or physical disabilities, people are marginalized based on age, gender, sexual orientation, based on class, occupation, ability, where they live etc. All these factors as well as so many others form who we are, they shape our identity and more often than not marginalized young people live on the intercepts of more than one marginalizing identity markers. With this project we wish to address young people, their complex identities and sets
of experiences in order to gain better knowledge on how to be more inclusive and how to facilitate their inclusion. The aim of this seminar is to bring together youth workers, educators and other actors who work in various fields with youth groups who experience marginalization and social exclusion in different ways. What we hope to develop is a comprehensive and intersectional view on how those who work with young people can be sensitive to different identities and forms of exclusion in order to develop a better approach to our endeavors of inclusion.

Повеќе информации за проектот може да најдете на следниот линк: Инфопак .

Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од семинарот и да ги изградите своите капацитети пополнете го следниот формулар TEMPLATE – Identity maze – presentation и испратете го на , најдоцна до 17.08.2018 година до 16:00 часот.

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Волонтерски Центар Скопје