You are currently viewing (Македонски) ПОВИК ЗА УЧЕСНИЦИ НА МЛАДИНСКА ОБУКА ВО ЦРНА ГОРА!



Ви објавуваме повик за 2 учесници над 18 години кои се младински работници или активисти, на младинска обука во рамки на проектот “Sexual and Reproductive Health – Knowledge Beats Taboos” на тема “Sexual violence” која ќе се одржи во периодот од 11 до 20 Мај 2018 во Бар, Црна Гора.

Детали за проектот:

 In this project we are working on beating prejudices regarding sexuality and reproduction thanks to sharing scientific information and point of view and opening all those issues that are, more or less, in all our societies connected with shame, fear, feeling of guilty, shortly said – taboos. Trainings and study visit which we will attend are here to raise our capacities and competences to fight against these taboos in work with, in fists place, young people.

Realized Mobility activities were: trainings in Montenegro (December 2017.) and in Spain (February/March 2018.). Now we are looking forward to organize training again in Montenegro (May) as well as study visit in Germany (September). Capacity building activities will be: web site, brochure, local trainings for peer educators, round table and workshops.

Preferably, we would like to meet youth workers and youth activists as participants, who will stay in the project during the process and share knowledge gained here to your local beneficiaries.

This training is third mobility activity in SARH project. It has two basic aims:

  • To gather 30 youth workers and activists from 15 countries to raise their capacities in the field of sexual violence and sexual rights;
  • To share one of our values, which is love, as starting point to observe the world because we strongly believe that people educated to love cannot be easy target to those who wish to manipulate with them.

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