Ви објавуваме повик за ЕДЕН ЕВС волонтер на одобрен проект во времетраење од 5 месеци (04.05.2018 – 20.10.2018) со наслов “SHOE BOX” во Крајова, Романија.
Детали за проектот “SHOE BOX”
The EVS project “Shoe box” aims to promote children’s rights, emphasizing on the right to play, as well as developing public actions to collect toys/school supplies/hygiene items/clothes for children and youth people from Craiova.
Activity 1: Developing public actions to collect toys/school supplies/hygiene items/clothes for children and youth people from Craiova, Dolj county that are in difficulty.
a) Public actions online/offline to collect fund for families in need, such as: “crowdfunding”, “silent auction”, “public packages” etc.)
b) Support actions: cleaning and arranging the indoor or outdoor playgrounds; painting the walls with characters from stories, myths, legends; such as arranging the “Tooth Fairy” kingdom; arranging the shoes and clothes wardrobes;
Activity 2: Developing public actions to promote children’s rights among the parents, emphasising the right to play.
a) developing and dissemination of support-materials for the public (per stage: 8 videos, 8 models of posters, 8 photo reportages, 16 models of creatives messages to print on the glasses, t-shirts, textile bags etc.)
b) developing public actions (10 actions/stage), such as: flash mobs, display actions type “loesje” in public transportation means, “open cafe” event or similar ones, events type “kino-knight” at ANTER headquarters etc.)
Activity 3: Developing actions called “Birthday donations”
With the support and involvement of the EVS volunteers, there will be organised surprise events for the child/youngster with the participation of the people that will bring the gifts for them.
Once every 2 weeks will be organised recycling workshops to create hand-made gifts for the children/youngsters and decorations used to arrange
the space where the birthdays will take place.
Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од овој проект ве замолуваме да ни испратите Ваша биографија(CV) на англиски јазик на нашата мејл адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.com, најдоцна до Вторник 06 Март 2018 година!
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