
Ви споделуваме повик за двајца учесници на возраст од 18-25 години на  младинска размена во Бузау, Романија. Размената, “ARTpreneurship ”  ќе се одржи од 22 до 31 мај 2018 година.
Во продоложение повеќе детали околу проектот:

Description of project :

“ARTpreneurship ” is an exchange that will take place in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau between 22-31 may 2018.Partnership consists in 42 participants from 8 countries : Cyprus,Czech Republic,Latvia,Lithuania,Poland,Spain, Macedonia and Romania out of them 16  being unemployed.

The context is linked with the problems of young artists to access labour market and business field to promote and valorize their creations and products

Aim of the project is to increase access on labour market of young artists by enforce creativity, develop specific competences and apply successful models of artistic аntreprenorship.

The objectives are:

  1. Empower creativity and entrepreneurship spirit for 42 participants during 8 days by 5 main workshops in order to attend a private initiative in next 12 months in artistic field;
  2. Develop for 42 participants from 8 countries during 8 days of new artisitic, socio-civic and entrepreneurship competences to get easily involved in private initiative in artistic field in next 12 months
  3. Promote environment sustainability for 12 months by recycling and up cycling of wastes and materials in entrepreneur initiatives in arts by the 8 partners associations
  4. Stimulate artistic entrepreneurship by providing for 42 participants during 8 days new tools and creative methods of nonformal education to build business plans and entrepreneurial initiatives in arts and multiply them for 12 months to youngsters passionate by arts in the 8 partner associations

The methodology will be based on nonformal education and will consist in games, presentations, debates, role plays and simulations, entrepreneur education, workshops, visits, intercultural evenings.

Accomodation :  Casa cu Tei pension– in rooms of 2  or 3 with private bathroom – http://www.casacutei.ro/sitenou/

Last 2  nights accomodation in Buzau – Hotel Sport B90 –rooms of 2-3 persons with private bathroom

Food will be served at the restaurant of the hotel and pension and there will be 3 meals every day and some coffee breaks.

Доколку сте заинтересирани да аплицирате пишете ни на: vcs_contact@yahoo.com  најдоцна до 17.05.2018.