

Ви објавуваме повик за 3 учесници (младински работници, лидери или координатори)  на возраст  над 20години за учество на  младинската обука со наслов “My Green Future“дел од  долгорочен проект со наслов “Rural On the Go” која ќе се одржи во периодот од 25 Април  до 2 Мај 2018 во Берлин, Германија.

Детали за обуката”My Green Future”:

The TC “My Green Future” is part of long-term project of two training courses“Rural On The Go Project”.The content of the TC to involve Youth workers in order to boost the development of soft skills, green skills, entrepreneurial attitudes and competences in agriculture, basic knowledge of ICTwith the aim to shape the basics of a new form of employability for youngsters in rural areas. The two events will involve the same group of participants.Experienced youth workers and/or professionals in the field will pass on their experiences. The difficulties they faced, as well as point out the benefits of such work. They will be given concrete to youth on how best to start up their own enterprise. Pointing out mistakes to avoid while constantly remind them of the benefit of such work.

The activities will be coordinated through non formal education methods (as group  work and activities, presentations, workshops and personal assignments, meetings with trainers, experts etc.) and participants will visits to some best practices of green jobs in Berlin in order to better picture green economy in its practical applications.

Some activities will take place outdoor, to promote Erasmus+ and non formal education and raise awareness on environmental issues among the local community.

Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од оваа младинска обука ве замолуваме да ни испратите  ваша биографија(CV) на англиски јазик на нашата eмаил адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.com  најдоцна до Петок 13ти Април 2018год!

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