Ви објавуваме повик за ЕДЕН волонтер на возраст помеѓу 20 и 30год. на веќе одобрен ЕВС проект со наслов“Águeda Volunteering Land” во Агуеда,Португалија, во времетраење од 10 месеци (20.09.2018- 31.07.2019).
Детали за проектот “Águeda Volunteering Land”:
a) To promote diversity and interculturality;
b) To empower volunteers with new competencies and learning based on NFE;
c) To encourage the entrepreneurial, creative and proactive attitude of volunteers;
d) To encourage the involvement of social and public institutions in social, cultural and educational practices and promote new initiatives;
e) To promote European social values.
Volunteering activities:
- Educational Project and Public Mediation: the volunteers will work to raise awareness and closeness of the social/cultural of the public through the artistic and cultural process.
- Águeda Living Lab: this activity has the objective of encouraging social participation, through the stimulation of learning and technological experimentation, with the intention of promoting quality of life, innovation and knowledge sharing.
- Águeda Amiga das Crianças Project: aimed at young people up to the age of 18, – the initiative takes four action lines: Survival and Health Rights; Rights of Protection and Identity; Development Rights and Participation Rights. Volunteers will work with children and young people.
- Águeda – Férias em Movimento Project: for youth aged 6 to 14, volunteers will take part in the activities during school holidays. The purpose of the activities is to provide spaces for occupying leisure time, with educational, cultural, sporting and recreational activities.
- Inclusive School: in primary schools, the volunteers will participate in activities that are transversal to various fields of action – social inclusion, culture, citizenship, community, etc.
- Municipal Library: these activities are intended to stimulate access and interest in reading activities, to engage quality time, to sensitize young people to artistic practice and to create new forms of interaction.
- Cabeço do Vouga Archaeological Station (EACV): volunteers will undertake activities to recognize the historical heritage of Águeda.
Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од овој проект, ве замолуваме да ни ја испратите вашата биографија(CV) на англиски јазик на нашата е-маил адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.com НАЈДОЦНА ДО Среда 12 септември 2018 година!
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