Do You want to learn Chinese language?

Volunteer’s Centre Skopje gives You fantastic opportunity for that by organizing Language Corner workshop in which You can meet closer with Chinese Language, Chinese culture, history, tradition and Chinese festivals. The purpose of this workshop is to present Chinese culture for making closer to the Macedonian Youth and Macedonian citizens in general. This workshop will…


2 in 1: Moments from Days of Social Campaigns

On Saturday 28 April took place in City Park in Skopje two last activities of local project "Bridging Divided Communities by Youth Work". First activity "GIVING IT UP" was an humanitarian action dedicated to the childen from street treated in the "Educative Entertaining Daily Children's Centre for children from street" - Shuto Orizari. During which…


Monika: EVS in UK

Paul, Martha short EVS volunteers who spent two months in Skopje at short term EVS in Volunteers Centre Skopje and Monika who will spend 2 months as short term EVS in United Kingdom. Imaginative, traditional, surprising, graceful  architecture and elegant  gardens, and the most modern fashion are words that describe United Kingdom. From always I…


Vasko: EVS in UK

I first heard about EVS during a training course in Macedonia some 2-3 years ago. When the session about the YiA Programme ended, outside, during the coffee break, a friend of mine I had just met asked me, “What do you think about going EVS?” At that time, I had just a vague idea about…



Forum theatre is a type of theatre created by the innovative and influential practitioner Augusto Boal as part of what he calls his "Theatre of the Oppressed." While practicing earlier in his career, Boal would apply 'simultaneous dramaturgy'. In this process the actors or audience members could stop a performance, often a short scene in…


2 in 1 Day for Social Campaigns!

In front of us is the last week of the local 6-months project "Bridging Divided Communitites by Youth Work". As last but not least activities we have the social campaigns "FEED YOUR BRAIN INSTEAD OF YOUR BODY" (dedicated to healthy food, increasing the awareness about diet and nutrition among young people) and "GIVING IT UP"…


Gjorgji: EVS in Poland

After my short term EVS in 2009, which was 1 month project, I decided to take the next step and find some long term EVS. I was looking for something connected with culture and cultural events, organization of cultural happenings, marketing and promotion. My motivation was to volunteer in some area that will be beneficial…


Improve Social and Life Skills of Young People

From 10 to 19 April 2012 Volunteers Centre Skopje hosted international training course Improve Social and Life Skills of Young People that provided participants coming from 12 countries (Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, Hungary, Italy, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia) and 3 different regions an opportunity to meet and together work on improving various skills…


Feed your Brain, instead of your Body CONTINUES!

Feed your Brain instead of your Body is social campaign organized within local project of Volunteers Centre Skopje "Bridging Divided Communities by Youth Work" which provided the participants a chance to realized their ideas in real actions. Social campaign Feed your Brain instead of your Body started on Tuesday 17 April by showing movie FOOD…


Join the Action: “SPRING CLEANING”

The idea sparked in Estonia in 2008 where during a nation-wide country cleanup action 10,000 tons of illegal waste were cleaned by more than 50,000 volunteers in one day. From there the idea spread to the whole Europe and beyond, and now more than 100 countries in the world are participating in the global World…


Woman Man or Human

Volunteers Centre Skopje has pleasure to invite you for a event Woman Man or Human that will take place tomorrow 12 April in GEM club (Menada). Woman Man or Human is event created within local project of Volunteers Centre Skopje "Bridging Divided Communities by Youth Work" which provides an opportunity for group of 30 young…


Yesterday We MOVED UP

Idea for this “MOVE UP” social campaign came from participants of local project “Bridging Divided Communities by Youth Work” organized by Volunteers Centre Skopje who had an opportunity by organizing this event develop their communication, teamwork as leadership skills. Moreover is important to add that by “MOVE UP” campaign nothing is over and in upcoming…


Let’s Dance – “Horo Winds” Started

Volunteers Centre Skopje is currently part of short – term EVS project called "Horo Winds" host by National Community Centre “Dimitar Dinev 1937”. During the two months project (March and April 2012) the EVS  volunteers coming from Macedonia, Poland and Italy are directly involved in National Festival of folk groups taking place in Sofia, helping…



On Thursday evening, 29 March 2012, starting from 20:30 our EVS volunteers Martha Brown, Paul Isaac and David Bolt from United Kingdom will organize an English evening in the bar Led Zeppelin located in Leptokarija, Karposh 3. The evening will be dedicated to the English culture and will be full of surprises. We invite everyone…



The campaign included gathering information and writing articles for VOICES magazine tackling the issue of student’s mobility, creating short questionnaire available here and moreover open public event “MOVE UP” that will take place on Thursday 5 April at Law Faculty “Justinian I” - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University starting from 13:00 and will include discussion…



Volunteers Centre Skopje is currently hosting 3 short term EVS volunteers from United Kingdom - Martha, David and Paul and preparing 4 short term EVS volunteers from Macedonia - Monika, Vasko, Elena and Martina for their short term EVS project in United Kingdom which will start in mid - April and finish in June 2012.…


YiA in Practice: Learning through Generations

On Saturday 17 March, 2012 in EU Info Centre Volunteers Centre Skopje organized interactive presentation about Youth in Action Programme during which participants could use the opportunity and get to know more about different actions of Youth in Action Programme as EVS, training courses or youth exchanges. The event was also an opportunity for long…


April: Month of Social Campaigns is Coming

The participants of our local project "Bridging Divided Communities by Youth Work" will realize in April several social campaigns tackling for example the issue of student’s mobility or gender inequality. One of these campaigns with title "Feed your Brain, instead of your Body!" already started this week by publishing two questionnaires one in English and…


A Different Winter Holiday by Marija Brzovska

The skiing began hesitantly, but after the first few moves confidence and trust was built among all participants. Thirty two young people from ten European countries, started working together quickly on defining the concept of conflict. We discussed about the conflicts we face in our life and work, and then tried to determine their positive…