Hot and cold

Those volunteers will create a huge cohesion between them because they are working all together but also living together. Each of them comes with different history, different social belonging, different opinion and way to do things but in one same project during a period of 1 year maximum. Those conditions create a cohesion between the…


EVS in VCS: Janis

Name: JanisCountry: LatviaDates of the Project: 13/11/2012- 13/11/2013 Hello everybody, my name is Janis and I come from a small Baltic country Latvia (it’s in the middle between Estonia and Lithuania, French call it Lettonie). I’ve finished a Bachelor studies on journalism so here on Skopje am both looking forward to put my knowledge on…


EVS activities: Sarah

'Sing & Dance” workshops are taking place each week in Centre for Social Initiatives "Nadez". The workshops are held by Sarah, an EVS volunteer from France in Volunteers Centre Skopje thus every Friday the children practice with Sarah singing and learn folklore dances from different European countries. If you wish to join our EVS volunteers…


EVS in VCS: Raphael

Bonjour everyone, I’m Raphaël from France and more specifically from Montpellier, a beautiful and warm city in the south of France. I decided to become a volunteer in Macedonia because I needed to move away from university studies and to discover places which are different. So, as I already came in Balkans during some previous…