The Language Cafe

You will have the chance to choose from a range of different languages as German, Italian, French, Slovak, Czech, Slovenian and Lithuanian. Come together to share your afternoon coffee and practice your favorite language or learn more about the language you would like to speak.During the event you will have the opportunity to learn more…


Natasha : EVS in Valencia

I am here since one month, and for now I explored a lot, and had the chance to be part of many manifestations, classes and conferences , and I am happy to know that I will have this big experience and once in a life chance with a lot of new things that will come…


Success of the fundraising campaign

  We are very happy with our success but we know that the center relies only on donations, so is still and will always be in need of any help that can be given to them. Find them on facebook to be updated with their latest activities(Дневен Центар за Деца на Улица)  


Voices October 2015

After having tasted this year’s ajvar, we are moving on towards the colder months but we’ll be doing it with the company of our new EVS Volunteer. Rugilė arrived a few days ago from Lithuania and brought us some special cheese and her new energy. Now, she’ll help us for the next editions of VOICES…


The training course ,,Media Literate,, in Struga

By taking part in various non-formal based activities including simulations, theatre based activities, creative challenges or discussions the participants not just have an opportunity to develop set of new competencies but moreover they have an opportunity to learn more about realities all around Europe and the challenges that organizations fighting discrimination, social exclusion and marginalization…


Youth School for Youth Workers

The purpose of this training was to train people to work in the field of youth thorough the methods of working with young people, both in theoretical and practical work. In the countries of the partner organizations there is no formal training for youthworkers, and this type of training was more than desirable.The aim of…


Once in a lifetime experience !

At the moment we are working in one school for deaf children, and another two centers (one public and one private) for children with disabilities (autism, Down syndrome, intellectual disability). We are going to stay and work in Bucharest until December. In the following months we will start work in hospitals and centers for elder…


Transition in Action Youth exchange

Then you have your delicious vegetarian lunch and depending on the day and schedule you spend the second part of the day either finishing your work until late at night or: riding a bike, going to the Danube, to the city of Budapest or to the neighboring farm to see where you get your daily…


Seminar: “Team Up Youth – Digital Creativity & Employability in School Education”

Наставници во основно/средно училиште; студенти кои би сакале да работат како наставници/едукатори/предавачи/обучувачи/професори; младински работници; идни или моментални новинари. Освен учесници од Македонија, ќе бидат присутни групи и од Данска, Германија и Велика Британија. Целта на проектот е: подобрување/ развивање на дигитални компетенции кај млади едукатори/новинари/наставници кои понатаму би ги пренеле во својата работа/настава или слично.…


Natasha : EVS in Arad

Hello! My name is Natasha, and  I am not 19 (just for the record). I am from Macedonia, currently volunteering in Arad, Romania. My project will last for 11 months and I am quite sure this will be a huge opportunity for me to learn new skills and strengthen the ones I have. This project…


Ivan : EVS in Arad

While you are reading this, I am in Arad, Romania volunteering on an 11-month project named OLE or Outdoor Leisure Education together with two volunteers from Macedonia and six more from Spain and Portugal (that we are still waiting to come). The project will involve the children with obesity problems and our mission will be…


My volunteering experience in Arad

Here we've also met many other volunteers from around the World that work on different projects what makes our stay even more exciting. Now let me tell you about our project – OLE. OLE or Outdoor Leisure Education is a project that involves the children with obesity. Our goal is to show these children how…


Fundraising campaign

Volunteers Centre Skopje is very happy to support the project for fundraising campaign of our very responsible and creative volunteers Monika Naglova and Jacopo Landi for the children of the Дневен Центар за деца на улица - Шуто Оризари. We hope to raise enough money to buy them proper school materials as well as basic…