Call for а volunteer in Germany !

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 1 long-term volunteer (18-30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in an ESC project “Let's go Cologne !” in Cologne, Germany. The volunteer must be able to speak German on a communicative level. Place: Cologne, Germany Date: 1st September 2022 – 1st September 2023 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending…


Call for Youth Exchange in Romania!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (16-29 years old) and 1 group leader (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Youth Exchange “Soft drugs create hard problems” in Romania. Place: Busteni, Romania Date: 12.4 – 21.4.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the…


Call for Youth Exchange in Lithuania!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (18-30 years old) and 1 group leader (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Youth Exchange “Get eco, stay friendly” in Lithuania. Place: Antaliepte, Lithuania Date: 28.4 - 6.5.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the…


Seminar in Sarajevo: “Volunteering connecting communities 2.0”

Volunteers Centre Skopje participated in the final dissemination of the project "VCC - Volunteering connecting communities 2.0" with 4 representatives, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The seminar was organized by the organization "Mladi Volonteri" in the period from 18.02 to 23.02 in which our participants had an opportunity to participate in the ultimate goal of…


Call for Training Course in France!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Training Course “Tools TOOLS - Tools to Open Our Leaders’ Skills” in Varaignes, France. Place: Varaignes, France. Date: 19.4 – 28.4.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with…


Two months in Skopje: in search of knowledge, experience and personal development

Two young, ambitious and full of energy VET students from Spain arrived in Skopje last Thursday. Meet Laura and Ferran, who will spend two months in Skopje doing their internships in our beautiful city. They will be engaged in the activities of VCS and our partner organizations. Laura, 21 Hello! My name is Laura, and…


Call for a Training Course in Hungary!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 3 participants (over 18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the Training Course "Looking through the Loupe at the Youth" in Hungary. Place: Mezobereny, Hungary Date: 25.03 – 02.04.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !!…


Annual Report 2021

Another year in VCS passed by and we are looking back to sum up what has been done, what new has come up and what we have achieved. After the pandemic outbreak in 2020, the world started to move more dynamically again last year, bringing us projects, travels, and meetings face to face with the…


Call for а volunteer in Portugal!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 1 long-term volunteer (18-30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in an ESC project “From Everywhere to Everyone” in Vila de Cucujães, Portugal. Place: Vila de Cucujães, Portugal Date: 1st October 2022 – 2nd May 2023 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19…


VOICES March 2022

Hello everyone, in the women's month and spring. Warm days are coming! This month is extraordinary for women, especially March 8, when we celebrate their day, and we should say a special "thank you" for all the female achievements in society. Also, let's not forget about the fight for gender equality. In the month's topic,…


ESC in Sofia: Time for solidarity

Volunteering is one of the opportunities offered to us to make a change or be part of the change we want to see in this world. We can learn a lot as we can teach a lot, we have very diverse societies here in Europe & the regions around. In those times, we need solidarity.…


Call for volunteers in Turkey!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 volunteers (18–30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in an ESC–project "Sport for Social Support" in Turkey. Place: Antalya, Turkey Date: February/March–December 2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 About the project: This project will be divided in winter…


Young Geeks – Get Empowered with Entrepreneurial spirit, Knowledge and Strategies

These young people traveled through 5 countries: Albania, Macedonia, Sicily, Greece, Turkey for the project “Get Empowered with Entrepreneurial spirit, Knowledge and Strategies” where more than 100 young people exchanged experiences, traditions, gained entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge and strategies, learned lessons, gained many friendships. 1 First Capacity Building Training, Korça, Albania (28.06-2.07.2021) About 40 participants from…


Imagine, Improvise, Integrate!

Creative writing and storytelling are powerful tools to address issues of stereotyping, discrimination, and hate speech. It helps people express anger, helplessness, exclusion and similar feelings in a constructive way. These creative methods are focused on speaking up, raising your voice about injustice, racism, sexism, etc., and hate speech that is usually used against marginalized…


“L’apéro” in France

After being on two projects in France last year, our Veronica decided that her ESC project should be implemented in that country as well. And in the same place. So, Le Bouizon has been her home for two months now. And it will be almost until the end of the year. To hear her impressions…


One step back, two steps forward

I am writing you this introductory thought while on a three-month stay in Split, Croatia. I could find myself in a diametrically opposed culture, one that is vastly different from the one in which I formed my personality. But why did I choose the similar over the different? In my mind, the form of society…


VOICES February 2022

After January - the month of New Year's resolutions - it's time for February, the year’s shortest month. And with it another edition of our magazine! Probably most of you associate the second month of the year with the holiday of lovers. So how is it with this love? Check topic of the month! You…