VOICES February 2022

After January - the month of New Year's resolutions - it's time for February, the year’s shortest month. And with it another edition of our magazine! Probably most of you associate the second month of the year with the holiday of lovers. So how is it with this love? Check topic of the month! You…


Winter ESC wonderland in Poland

Dzień dobry! I feel like I've been here for 33 and not just 3 months within my volunteering adventure in Bydgoszcz, Poland. There are so many things going on and I don't even know where to start but for the beginning, I will emphasize the culture shock. Culture was and still is number 1 reason…


Call for a volunteer in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 1 volunteer (18–30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in the long-term ESC volunteering project "Moving Forward'' in Poland. Place: Bydgoszcz, Poland Date: 01.12.2021 – 01.12.2022 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19, as well as the restrictions that…


Call for volunteers in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 short-term (6 weeks) volunteers to participate in an ESC project called “Hey Christmas Carol 3!” in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Place: Bydgoszcz, Poland Date: 7.11.2021 – 19.12.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 !! About the project: In the…


Call for a Youth Exchange in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 4 participants (18 to 30 years old) and 1 youth leader (18+) from Macedonia  who want to participate in Youth Exchange “Camera Eye: First step to save animals". Place: Nowy Gierałtów, Poland Date: 27.08. – 04.09.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the…


Call for a training course in Poland

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 youth workers (18+) from Macedonia to participate in a training course “Europe: Bring back the love” in Nowy Gierałtów, Poland. Place: Nowy Gierałtów, Poland Date: 27.08 - 03.09.2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19  About the project: Youth workers…


Call for volunteers from Poland to Macedonia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2 volunteers from Poland to participate in an ESC – project "Giving VOICES to the youth" in Skopje, Macedonia. Place: Skopje, Macedonia Date: October 2020 – September 2021 !! There might be possible changes regarding the project dates depending on the current situation with COVID-19 Volunteers Centre Skopje is…


VOICES October 2019

Once upon a time was October 2019 in this Sun Country. The tradition of this country was grandparents taking care of their grandchildren and parents working and earning money. One of the grandparents’ task was storytelling. In this edition, we have stories for our children. We will tell them about the precious moment of enjoying…


Call for participants for Youth Exchange in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 6 Macedonians who want to participate together with young people from Poland and Spain in Youth Exchange “Boost Your Future!” Place: Nasutów, Poland Dates: 16-25.10.2019 About the project: The "Boost Your Future" youth exchange project is meant to be a game for participants - an interesting, full of twists…


Добредојде за Евелина, нашиот нов волонтер од Полска

Здраво на сите! Јас сум Евелина и дојдов во оваа сончева земја од Полска. Многу сум љубопитна да откривам други земји и култури и имам доволно храброст да одам и да го откривам светот но сеуште немам доволно развиени способности да зборувам за себе па затоа не знам и од каде да започнам. Можеби треба…