Youth exchange Pegasus-Romania

ways for volonteering in other countries. This was the biggest group that has represented VCS outside so far.Finally, our team was very satisfied from the overall results of the exchange, which was full of fun, interaction, new friendships and 10 days full of exciting moments that will remain in their memories forever. Kiril Dimitrovski  …


Анализа на потребите за претприемничко учење во Општина Кисела Вода – Скопје

Почитувани, Ве известуваме дека Волонтерски Центар Скопје започна да спроведува истражување за потребите на проектот „ИЗРАБОТКА НА ЛОКАЛНА СТРАТЕГИЈА ЗА ПРЕТПРИЕМАЧКО УЧЕЊЕ ЗА ОПШТИНА КИСЕЛА ВОДА“ во партнерство со општина Кисела Вода, а со финансиска поддршка добиена преку проектот „Мрежа за поддршка на млади претприемачи“ финансиран од Европската Унија. Ве покануваме сите вие, кои живеете…


EVS in Spain

Моментот кога ќе те одберат два месеци пред  да наполниш 31 година, а максимум лимит за да оствариш ЕВС е 30, е тоа е среќа со сигурност, и плус  земја за волонтирање Шпанија,на среќата и немаше крај! :) Моето име е Викторија Цавироска и волонтирам во Колиндрес градче во близина на Билбао,  во период од…


New project: “Team Up Youth – Digital Creativity & Employability in School Education”

Volunteers Centre Skopje begins partnership project "Team Up Youth - Digital Creativity & Employability in School Education" in cooperation with the European Youth4Media network and the organizations Bennohaus, Burt and Shift from Germany, Great Britain and Denmark, conducted by Arbeitskreis Ostviertel e.V., supported by the Erasmus + programme. The project's aim is to train teachers,…


Interview with Dejan Djolev

Сфатив дека можеби е најдобро да се бавам со обука на луѓе. Беше многу важно што морав да работам нешто што е за време на викенди зашто од понеделник до петок сум, нели, на факултет. Значи, имаше многу точки што треба да се почитуваат и така се роди идејата, сосема случајно. Кога почнав не верував…


Schedule of activities for March

                              Join our activities, learn, discover, make new friendships, expand your knowledge, develop your potential, develop your skills and enjoy. See you... Monday (09 March) - 15:00-16:00 Informative meeting for the magazine VOICESTuesday (10 March) - 12:30-13:30 Workshop "Setting personal goals"…


Next activities in VCS

Dear Volunteers, Next week you will have the opportunity to attend the following activities in Volunteers Centre Skopje: 17.02.2015 - Tuesday - INTERCULTURAL EVENING Country> SLOVAKIA Start> 17:00 Who can participate? - All who want to discover more about Slovakian culture, meet new people, speak English 18.02.2015 - Wednesday - MEETING Topic> VOICES magazine Start>…


Workshops in VCS – Spring 2015

Dear volunteers,We open the season of workshops for this year right now with MOVIE NIGHT at 18: 30h TODAY. A lot will be followed by the beginning of summer.The program that we have prepared for this cycle is as follows:Theme: PHOTOGRAPHYEvery Thursday, starting on 5th February at 17:00 at VCS office there will be workshops…



Near our flat there are:1- Sedmica Fast Food in Aerodrom. 2 - TC Tri Biseri. If you are coming by taxi, just say to a driver to take you to: Aerodrom Tri Biseri and he will take you directly there and then you see how to reach our apartment. 3 - nearest bus stop for…


Human Rights, Social Activism, New Friendships, and Portugal

In the course of 8 days, three wonderful, smart people from the organization Rota Jovem transferred all their knowledge on human rights on to 24 young promising people. Day by day, we tackled the most important topics related to human rights. Are they truly universal? How can universal human rights be applied in a culturally…


Coaching and interpersonal skills for youth workers in Poland

The topic of the training was ‘Coaching and interpersonal skills for youth workers’. The person responsible for implementation of the program was experienced trainer from Poland with rich international experience. For me it was big honor and pleasure to be present and participate to his session and workshops. He shared with us interesting methods, games,…


Seven days European – Mediterranean cooperation in France!

Although out thick fog had lowered, in the dining room echoed six different languages, but vociferously listened French. With smiles and kindness were all greeted. Emily and Sarah Dzhofri were representatives of the French organization CEMEA, which organized the seminar, and after their recommendation, we continued  in the workshops, which served as place for work…


Nobody is free of stereotypes: Living Library 2nd edition

“I was surprise that I can also discriminate…” A comment from one of the book after the living library closed that made us think about the need of this kind of events. Events that give everyone a possibility to challenge their perception, stereotypes and made people realize that nobody is stereotype free. On 27 November…


‘Living Library: 2nd edition‘- Everyone has a story to tell

  Motivated by the feedback from the visitors and books themselves the second Living Library will open on 27 November at 15:00 in City Library, ‘Braka Miladinovci’. Books are persons where based on their profile or experience a title of a book is presented and they can be borrowed by the visitors respectively the readers.…