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Coaching and interpersonal skills for youth workers in Poland

The topic of the training was ‘Coaching and interpersonal skills for youth workers’. The person responsible for implementation of the program was experienced trainer from Poland with rich international experience. For me it was big honor and pleasure to be present and participate to his session and workshops. He shared with us interesting methods, games, theories which can be used for creating workshops for young people. We  learned a lot of useful skills for creating good trainings for young people , but this techniques , methods can be used for work with group of people from different ages and professions. Our trainer showed us how to see things from different perspective, how to believe in our self and our potential for fulfilling our personal goals and plans. That all teaching was done on a non formal and interesting way. We learned to juggle! I could never think that through juggling you can learn how to reach your goals in life. Beside it’s useful for coordination skills, also it can help you in building up your self confidence and other aspect of your living. For the overall success of the training course wasn’t only the contribution of the trainer but also the dedication and contribution of us the participants. We all took active part in every workshop, share our opinions for the themes and subject that we dealt. The positive vibe was epidemic and day by day was rising.
In life, we often face different changes and challenges. Some changes are small and doesn’t  affect  us. But some changes are important and essential and can have huge influence over the life of an individual. A good example for the second is this training in Poland – a week fulfilled with priceless experiences. Emilija Nikova