Ahead – organizations in favour of Europe

While Macedonia, Tunisia, Russia, Finland, Spain, Greece, Latvia, Italy and Germany were preparing presentations about their organizations, the host organization invited professionals to share their experience, working in intercultural filed with a lot of diversity.  Coming into the subject exchange of experiences around the development of organizations, intercultural adaptability, me and my dear colleague had…


English Workshop with Native Speaker

On Saturday 21 July took place in Volunteers Centre Skopje workshop with native English speaker that was open for all interested to get to know the common English mistakes, learn more about official qualifications as writing techniques for articles and essays.  And we would like to add that soon you can expect in Volunteers Centre…


Elena Popovska: EVS in Great Britain

The next step was the corridor leading to the plain, the excitement growing bigger and bigger, although I must admit that I don’t like plains so much. Anyway, it was time to take off, and when I saw Vasko turning pale, the fear increased. But everything went OK, after the three-hour flight we arrived at…


Visit Brajcino and discover yourself!

Project was supported by Youth in Action Programm and organised by Volunteers Centre Skopje between 3rd and 13th of June 2012. It gathered different, but wonderful personalities, simple tools and amaizing energy, which all together had significant impact on the local surroundings and personal development of the participants. First of all, we tried to overcome…


Say YES to Rural Development by Sanja Mihajlovska

Starting from 3rd until 13th of June, Volunteers Center Skopje in corporation with local Brajcino’s NGO Support for rural development – 2011 Brajcino and financially encouraged by the YiA Programme, welcomed more than 25 young people to join the Youth Exchange, also known as: “Say YES to rural development”. Participants coming from all over Macedonia,…


PBA: Better Cooperation – Better Europe: Looking forward to future

  Presentation of Albanian team coming from non-governmental organization Youth for Social Changes By end of the PBA: Better Cooperation – Better Europe the participants developed  four ideas for future projects which  participants are planning apply in upcoming deadlines of Youth in Action Programme (1 September and 1 October) for example  training course tackling issue…


Call for Macedonian participants for Training Course in Banja Luka

We are looking for participants from Macedonia who would like to take part in training course "Art for Intercultural dialogue and Youth inclusion", which will take place in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 17 to 27 August 2012. Core part of the activities will be practical workshops with the use of different artistic languages, techniques…


Call for participants for Regional Annual Summer School in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Regional summer school will gather first generation of 60 participants. Topics will include discrimination, militarism and peace building, development of activist potential for combating discrimination, gender and gender discrimination. Listed topics will be addressed through interactive workshops, presentations, work in plenum and small groups. Lectures and workshops will be led by team of experienced trainers…


EVS impressions: Vasko in UK

Believe me, there’s so so much to be seen in London, you don’t have time for the queeny and her waving.  You just walk to some impressive building, only to find out that behind it there’s one more, and behind that one, one more, and one more. There’s no end. All the way from the…


YE: Say YES to Rural Development in Media

Youth Exchange "Say YES to Rural Development" hosted by Volunteers Centre Skopje in mountain village Brajcino located closed to Prespa lake finished on 13 June 2012. During the project young people coming from Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Poland had opportunity to learn more about eco-tourism in participants countries, discussed various ecological issues as to contribute…


PBA: Better Cooperation – Better Europe Starting Soon

Volunteers Centre Skopje is getting ready for Partnership building activity: Better Cooperation – Better Europe that will starts on 18 June in Struga and provide an opportunity for participants (youth workers, leaders) coming from 15 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, United Kingdom, Malta, Poland, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Lithuania, Italy, Turkey and Macedonia)…


YE: Say YES to Rural Development

Youth Exchange Say YES to Rural Development host by Volunteers Centre Skopje in mountain village Brajcino located closed to Prespa lake connected young people coming from Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Poland who are currently taking part in various activities tackling the issues of protection of nature, eco-tourism as they contributing to local development by construction…


EmPower Training Program – Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation

What is important for the candidate that the overall program will include a number of thematic sessions such as: - Training of Trainers for Intercultural Education,- Intercultural communication, pedagogical approaches,- Acquaintance with the political situation in Switzerland and visit important institutions and organizations- Rights of the Child- Creative conflict resolution- Internship in Swiss organization- Education…


Kisela Voda deepens the cooperation with civil society

The main objective of the strategy will be the promotion of cooperation with the municipal sector through involvement of NGOs in the work of local government in the process of creating municipal strategies and in making decisions and solving urgent problems of citizens at local level. In the process of preparing the strategy will respect…



Youth Exchange Say YES to Rural Development STARTING Youth exchange Say YES to Rural Development host by Volunteers Centre Skopje is starting on 3. June in mountain village Brajcino located near by Prespa lake. During the youth exchange the participants coming from Slovenia, Poland, Serbia and Macedonia will  take part in discussions, interactive lectures and…


Intercultural Treasure workshops

Volunteers Centre Skopje is honored to invite  you to  take part in short local training course about  intercultural  competences which will take place from 9th till 11th of May in VCS Office  (Emil Zola 3-2/3, Skopje) and consist of 3 workshops, each day starting from 17:00. During the training you will have a chance to learn more about intercultural communication and…


Small Eye in Menada

On Thursday 10 May starting from 20:00 will take place in Menada exhibition of photos made by children from Daily Centre for Chidren from the Street in Avtokomanda. The photos were made by using cameras for one use which children got to capture the life around them. The idea for the exhibition came from EVS…