Transnational study on mentoring needs

Through "Transnational study on mentoring needs", the MENTOR project aims to understand the needs and expectations of mentors and mentees in order to develop a mentoring system adapted to international mobility experiences at the EU level. The objective of the project is to give all the keys to youth professionals to inform, train and prepare…


Booklet with energizers and team-building games

Whether you're looking to break the ice, strengthen bonds among team members, or simply warm up the room before starting the discussion, the booklet offers a diverse range of activities to suit every occasion and group dynamic. The project "Youth participation for strong and sustainable development of the community" is financed by the European Union…


F.O.R.Z.A. Guide for troubled youth

"Guide for troubled youth” is intended to address a very present and immediate need related to the post-COVID 19 situation regarding the behaviour of young people and reduced mental health. It aims to equip youth workers, who are the prime group of this document, with the skills and knowledge to manage and coordinate outbreaks of…


“Human Diversity!” booklet of good practices

“Human Diversity!” booklet of good practices serves as a guide for embracing and actively advocating for diversity within communities. Valuable insights were gathered from participants of the Erasmus+ training course "Human Diversity!", who during the project discussed the needs of young people, meaningful social actions, strategies for promoting diversity, inspiring others, and actions for promoting…


E-learning platform F.O.R.Z.A.

Explore our innovative e-learning platform, full of valuable knowledge, fascinating tips, and tricks. Unlock a world of learning possibilities through the Erasmus+ KA2 "Fewer Opportunities Re-thinking Z to A F.O.R.Z.A." project. Modules: Module 1 covers the professional use of cameras and smartphone cameras, optimizing and adjusting video and sound to produce high-quality media products, live…


SOUP sharing

Would you like to have a SOUP with us? For 2 years we had a pleasure to work with an extraordinary project “SOUP sharing”. We were brainstorming with the partners, inspiring a community change and having an actual soup all together. Now the time came to pass it forward. To guide you through the SOUP…


Framework for promoting anti-bias education using collaborative communities – PeerAct

This report from the project PeerAct provides the results from the evaluation and makes a series of recommendations on the program's future development. The impetus for the PeerAct project was the perceived upward trend in discrimination and intolerance among youth based on religion, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, sexual orientation or simply not fitting the social…


NO Hate Speech: Increasing Competencies of Young People to Use Media and Theater Based Tools to Combat Hate Speech

The Booklet of good practices is part of the project “NO Hate Speech: Increasing Competencies of Young People to Use Media and Theater Based Tools to Combat Hate Speech”. The project consisted of two youth exchanges, one was realized in Aarhus, Denmark from 14th to 23rd May 2022 and second, in Ljubojno, Macedonia from 11th…