EVS Recommendation Letter by Darko

The most interesting note is that actually during EVS you will help yourself more than you will help the local community. You are going to live in a foreign country for up to one year trying to interact with the locals whom you cannot understand when they address you, and trying to stay alongside your…


Dream it, Wish it, Do it!

Valdrim, Elena, Xherit, Todor, Dimche and Hristina are just now taking part in youth exchange Dream it, Wish it, Do it! organized by Youth for Social Changes in Pogradec... Getting to know new cultures, learning more about photos, video, exploring realities in participants countries... Do you also wish to gain new experiences? Follow us for…


EU Youth Conference

  The EU Youth Conference brought together around 250 participants from all the EU Member States and candidate countries, both representatives of young people and of Ministries responsible for Youth Affairs, as well as from international NGOs, the European Commission and the European Youth Forum. For three days, we all together jointly discussed various aspects…


International Citizen Media Award

This year’s topic is “Work–Life–Balance. Reconciling Work and Family Life”. The current developments in the economic, technological and social area lead to an increasing importance of work–life–balance, equally for companies, employees and the general society.The submitted products can show positive and negative examples of the topic. The different perspectives (companies, employees, the general society) can…


We all are made of Stories

From the secrets of public speech to writing stories, training course gives opportunity for gaining knowledge through working with professionals, wonderful thing that has а great advantage. Despite personal building of ourselves, all participants will try to share the gained experience with other people in their countries. Especially interesting was the second day of the…


Training Course “Make a difference for new generation”

The opportunity to meet new people and a lot of original ideas from the participating countries was great thing! We also had the chance to get to know the local reality, mostly focused on the human rights and children rights. We could all agree that we improved our team work skills and also the knowledge about…


With Knowledge Against Sexual Health Taboos

Reflection from Kristina:It is really wonderful how sometimes, when we least expect it, we get so much more than we bargained for out of some situation! When, for example, we are expecting to get a ‘seven’ at some exam, and you get an ‘eight’, or when you meet a new person, and end up being…


TC NFE: Let the Young People Learn by Ivana Peykovska

This time we are all here in Struga to learn and share information and skills connected with alternative ways for education. The beginning is to get to know each other, to make a team or a family that is able to cooperate and work together. We must adjust to the environment we ourselves provide to…


NFE rocks!

So now we know each other but what is the non-formal education? Through different activities and discussions I think we got the point, we shared our experience with this type of education through our lifetime and we wrote down 15 advices how to make a good NFE. The participants got excited about whole the idea…


TC NFE: Let the Young People Learn Started

Training course NFE: Let the Young People Learn implemented by Volunteers Centre Skopje with support of Youth in Action Programme of the European Union started on 1 March in Struga. After getting to know each other through various activities including creating own heroes the participants started to explore non-formal education and tackled the challenges of…


Borjanka: EVS in Arad

I am Borjanka from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Currently, I’m EVS volunteer on a project in Arad, Romania, which I found through ’’ Volunteers Center Skopje’’. The EVS project is called ‘’Outdoor Alternatives’’ and it lasts from February to July. Our activities include working in a forest, in the ‘’Corcubeu’’ school where we teach children…


Baby’s language

Did you ever hear about baby's language? Volunteers Center Skopje in cooperation with "Baby Signs Belgium" is promoting the mini brochure, which you can find for download bellow. If someone is intrigued by the content of the brochure and is interested to learn more, please contact our partners "Baby Signs Belgium" on the following e-mail…



Looking for EVS? We are offering one EVS place in Arad, Romania starting from 7. March 2014. If you would like to get to know more about this EVS opportunity contact us: vcs_contact@yahoo.com....French Conversation Workshops in VCS are starting by first meeting on Monday 17 February in our office located at Emil Zola 3/2-3 closed…