“Act it Out!” in Hungary

From September 24 to October 3 this year, a total of 5 youth workers, representing Volunteers Centre Skopje, were witnesses and active participants in a training course "Act it Out!" in Debrecen, Hungary. The goal of the project was to gain new knowledge about Image and Forum theater. Surrounded by positive energy every day, the…


Digital Community Radio for Youth Inclusion and Diversity

‘’Digital Community Radio for Youth Inclusion and Diversity’’ New country, new cultures, new connections, experiences, adventures… Erasmus+ is the EU’s program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Youth exchanges allow people from all over the world to meet, live together, work on mutual projects and find connections.  From August 22nd to 28th…


Say Y.E.S. to Lithuania

"Project in Lithuania? In the peak of summer? That sounds like a great adventure!" is a thought that crossed my mind at the same moment when I found out about the Erasmus+ youth exchange project "YOU(th) early start - Y.E.S.". If I only knew how much that thought would contribute to me and fill me…


Seven days to understand “Human Diversity!”

From the 28th of June to the 6th of July, Volunteers Centre Skopje organized an Erasmus+ training course “Human Diversity!” about religious tolerance and human diversity in Struga, Macedonia. The project brought together a diverse group of participants from Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Poland, as well as people from the Somali community living in…


Elephants Swinging on a Spider’s Web

In a picturesque Sarata Monteoru-Buzau, Romania, the Erasmus+ training course "Elephants Swinging on a Spider's Web" took place from the 3rd to the 12th of May. This innovative project was more than just training – it was a journey of learning, friendship, and sustainability that deeply affected everyone who took part in it. Mile and…


From idea to reality: project that inspires women all around Europe

Within "Promoting Women Environment Entrepreneurship" project, we organized 15 webinars in three languages and reached the number of almost 400 participants. During the webinars, we covered topics from three e-courses that are available on the dedicated online platform. We discussed topics like business technology, social and environmental entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial finance.


Making music from trash – KA2 project Musicling

On September 2021 we started an interesting KA2 project with international partners: Musicling - Social entrepreneurship with recycled instruments. The project was developed between partners from Spain, Italy, Greece, and Macedonia. It aimed to get youth to develop skills for their future through creativity and arts, specifically music and crafting. Another key element was to…


TC in Romania: Empowering critical thinking

In today's world, we are constantly bombarded with information from various sources, making it increasingly challenging to discern fact from fiction. The rise of fake news and the prevalence of logical fallacies have only compounded this issue, underscoring the need for critical thinking skills that enable us to navigate this complex landscape effectively. As a…


Forum theatre as a tool against social oppression

In the period from 01.02.2023 to 10.02.2023, as a representative of Volunteers Centre Skopje, I participated in the "Let’s break the breaking news" training course in Sarata-Monteoru in Romania, where through a combination of different methods from the domains of non-formal education, the theater of the oppressed and critical theory, a total of 34 youth…


“DigiTime” in Sweden

December 2022 in Varberg, Sweden. Participants coming from eight countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Türkiye, Portugal, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, and Sweden) had the chance to learn and share skills and knowledge about climate change and digital storytelling during the youth exchange “Digital Storytelling: DigiTime” on the dates 3-9.12.2022. Through different points of view and experience, youngsters confronted…


After “A hug for all” reflections

About fourty participants from 8 countries, including five students from the "Gostivar" secondary technical school from Gostivar as representatives of Volunteers Centre Skopje participated in the training for the project: "A Hug for all" which was held in Athens in the period from November 17 to December 1 of this year. The main objectives of…


PeerAct – A time to remember

It’s been a month since our visit to Brussels, but it still feels like it was yesterday. All the happy moments, the new and old friendships rekindled, the lessons we’ve learned, and inevitably, the farewells, all of these are still fresh and fond in our hearts. Before I tell you the story about our week…


Youth Exchange “Volunteer for Social Inclusion”

The period from 16 till 23rd October, was a unique learning experience and a great opportunity for 56 motivated young people coming from 7 countries of Europe: Sweden, Macedonia, Italy, Serbia, Turkey, Poland and Slovakia to be part of the youth exchange “Volunteer for social inclusion” with an aim to dive deeper into the topic…


Youth exchange “Real Facts Matter” in France

Our Macedonian team, together with the participants from 5 other countries: France, Serbia, Italy, Spain and Turkey, took part in the Youth Exchange “Real Facts Matter” which happened from 3rd to 11th of October in a small quiet place Domino, by the ocean located on the island of Saint Georges d'Oléron in France. The main…


It’s OK not to be OK

Are we aware of the importance of mental health, and can we eventually help suicide prevention? These were the main topics and aspects of an Erasmus Training that happened in Vilkanastrai, Lithuania. I, Cvete, and Bojan were fortunate to participate in a project of huge importance, on a topic that is still considered taboo and…


8 days in Ljubojno with “No H8 Speech”

It was June, early summer in Macedonia, when over 30 participants from Croatia, Denmark, Portugal, Slovenia, and a hosting country, came together to combat one of the most recent and present in our daily lives problem – hate speech. Between 11.06 and 20.06, picturesque village of Ljubojno at Prespa lake was a main stage for…