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Nursena, Türkiye

Welcome Nursena from Türkiye!


My name is Nursena. I am from Türkiye and I live in Ankara. I am 22 years old. I am studying International Relations at Ankara University, next year will be my last year.

I really like my department because I like to learn historical and political facts about the world. I want to continue studying in this field after my bachelor’s degree. I like to research nations, their relations with each other and their history.

The idea of getting to know different cultures is exciting for me, this is one of the reasons why I applied for this volunteering project. I want to try living in another country and get to know their culture.

This is my first abroad experience. It is nice to do it in Macedonia because it is similar to my culture. Of course, there are differences and I like to discover them. I want to get to know Skopje and visit other cities in Macedonia during my time here.

Also, working for VOICES magazine will be a good experience for me and I hope I can improve my research and writing skills.

Nursena Bayraktepe

Nursena will volunteer 6 weeks in VCS in the frames of European Solidarity Corps project.

Sending organization: EU Activities Center