SOUP sharing

Would you like to have a SOUP with us? For 2 years we had a pleasure to work with an extraordinary project “SOUP sharing”. We were brainstorming with the partners, inspiring a community change and having an actual soup all together. Now the time came to pass it forward. To guide you through the SOUP…


Skopje SOUP – For strong community

Are you tired of waiting for someone else, mainly politicians, to solve the problems that burden you in everyday life? And you want to take action? In doing so, to establish a close relationship with the community? Then the “SOUP” concept is ideal for you. It is a model that was used a few years…


Youth Centers – Now and Immediately

With the third and last activity in Skopje (the first two were in Antwerp and Bremen), we completed the project "Neighborhood of youth centers in Europe" within the "Erasmus+" program of the European Commission through the Belgian National Agency. Thirty youth workers and representatives of municipalities from eight countries and partners in the project last…