Fake news, true friendships

Internet is both a blessing and a curse. Why? On paper, it offers you to connect with people easily, to play games, and also offers you access to hundreds of information. But in reality, many of the things you read on the internet are questionable and even ridiculous compared to the real situation. In the…


Annual Report 2020

Every year in VCS brings something new – new projects, ideas, people, challenges. What remains the same is that we are focused on work and mutual cooperation with people all around Europe, promoting voluntarism and providing opportunities for everybody. Undoubtedly, the year 2020 was exceptional. Covid-19 outbreak affected the whole world. People moved from travelling…


Annual Report VCS 2017

The time has come, 2017 is already way in the past so Volunteers Center Skopje prepared a report on our activities from the last year. Training courses, youth exchanges, workshops, projects, NGO fair, conferences, local events and much more. Browse through and see what VCS has done in 2017! https://issuu.com/vcsvoices/docs/annual_report_vcs_2017