As another year is coming to an end many tend to have a look back on how we spent the time we were given this year. Sometimes it’s good to take a deep look at the beautiful and peculiar things that are there rather than things that are not. The things that can happen instead of things that did not.
In this year’s last edition of VOICES the office hive mind together has coincidentally covered some very humane themes among many others. You’ll find a beautiful analysis of the complex life Hayao Miyazaki embraces in his movies and the subtle yet meaningful detail of the worlds he creates. Maybe you’ll discover some touching literature through the article of Macedonian writer Lidija Dimkovska.
What are the steps to live the life you truly want? Take a look if our article about delayed life speaks to you. But when starting to search for life that looks like us we are not to forget the impact of our actions on others and the world. You’ll find interesting articles about the reasons and effects of poaching and about the positive impact of volunteering in the small big world of Shutka center.
I am excited about the articles in this edition of VOICES. So I advise you, our reader, to read through this magazine with presence. Dive in what you are reading. Then take a moment to yourself and think about what has brought you joy this year. Is there something you could do next year to make it better for everyone? Take a breath and ground yourself to this moment. And if you ever feel like needing a reminder of the beauty of life, watching a Hayao Miyazaki movie is a good start.
Annika Pitkänen