Dark side of consumism

‘Dark side of consumism’ was a youth exchange that took place in Busteni, Romania in the period 25th  October till the  2nd November 2018. There were 42 participants from 8 countries who were gathered to tackle the global problem of overconsuming and the sustainability of the environment. Through creative activities, workshops and a beautiful environment,…


Online course, why not?

In the past year Volunteers Centre Skopje was part of a KA2 project financed by the European Union and the Erasmus + programme for capacity building, TrainVol. In this project the focus was put on what exactly is the field where Volunteers Centre works and that is youth work and volunteering. In TrainVol four partner…


Training in sexual and reproductive health – DONE!

In the offices of Volunteers Centre Skopje as part of the international project "Knowledge beats taboos" it was held a training where around 20 youth got education and more information on the sexual and reproductive health. The training is a part of a project that has multiple events such as trainings of youth workers, study…


“Together to a Better Society!”

A democratic society without a civil sector is almost impossible to exist. Citizens through the non-governmental sector are influencing and they make pressure on the authorities in order to improve the quality of life in a society. Creating a constructive  field for meeting and networking civil society organizations on one hand and familiarizing citizens with…


VOICES December 2018

We are announcing the month of memories, the return to the year photos, sweet smiles, the challenges and successes of the past 11 pearls that seized the 2018th. The holidays that we celebrate with our loved ones, with people who respect and like us, are a great opportunity to share the successes and challenges that…



Meeting of Generations, short term EVS project in Ankara, Turkey. What is EVS? European Voluntary Service (EVS) is the European Commission's project that allows a young person (18–30 years) to become a volunteer in another country for a specified period of time, usually between 2–12 months. From here you can download the info package and…



Meeting of Generations, short term EVS project in Ankara, Turkey. What is EVS? European Voluntary Service (EVS) is the European Commission's project that allows a young person (18–30 years) to become a volunteer in another country for a specified period of time, usually between 2–12 months. From here you can download the info package and…


Врснички работилници во рамки на проектот „Без расправање“

Учењето од врсниците е еден од најмоќните начини да се споделат искуства, информации и практики. Младинците од средните училишта од Гостивар, Скопје и Струга, учесници на летниот камп „ИнКоИн“ – интеркултурна комуникација и интеракција своите искуства, знаења и практики ги споделуваа со своите врсници во нивните училишта. Караванот на врснички работилници во рамки на проектот…


“Boosting Transversal Skills“ (BOOTS)

“Boosting Transversal Skills“ (BOOTS) is the title of a Key Action 1 Erasmus+ project aiming to promote the learning mobility of young people as well as volunteers and professionals active in the youth field. Between February and December 2018, the partner network implemented three interconnected activities. The third part of the Boosting Transversal Skills project…


Volunteers Centre Skopje hosting “EVS as One more step toward Inclusion!”

"EVS as One More Step Towards Inclusion!" ... Is a title of a project, which in the second mobility  connected  30 youth workers / leaders, staff members, mentors, associates active in the volunteering field, coming from 9 European countries. During the 9-day study visit, supported by experienced facilitators, the participants have the opportunity to tackle…