Language Café in March
If you want to practice a language or learn more about the culture - be sure to join the next Language Café.
If you want to practice a language or learn more about the culture - be sure to join the next Language Café.
Историјат на кампањата Почетоците на младинското информирање во Македонија датираат од 2010 кога е отворен Младинскиот информативен и советодавен центар ИНФО СЕГА Прилеп, и истиот работи со Европската повелба за младинско информирање. Коалицијата на младински организации СЕГА, како член на ЕРИКА прва ги поставува основите на младинското информирање во Македонија во соработка со…
During those 7 days participants improved their knowledge of the methods of youth work and by sharing their experiences they learnt about phases of work with individuals and groups of young people. Upon the methods and exercises used in youth work by their organizations they developed new methods and presented them in the booklet. …
My name is Miroslav and I am from Macedonia, a small country located in the middle of The Balkans. Like in every other county in the world the sun in Macedonia also rises in the East and it sets up in the West. Nothing special right! Well wrong! Everything can be special if you are…
With one of the classes I have almost complete freedom and we don't go by the book so I try to introduce the students to some workshops and different methods of learning the language. EVS has also given me an opportunity to expand my horizon and learn about Polish culture and way of life but…
The working with children with special needs (some of them) and with very nice people from Blind's people association is really a great experience for every youth. Actually, to be a volunteer is one of the best experiences. It's a good opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. Use your chance and…
Participants of the activity (youth workers actively involved in the daily work of their organizations) will improve their knowledge in using creative multimedia tools, and exchange good practices in order to gain digital and communication competences that will support them in the creation of media reports for and with young people, concerning global aspects, the…
Some visitors had a high knowledge of the foreign languages already, so they were there just to practice. Each volunteer brought national food from their country and the visitors tried to guess the name and origin of the dish. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Therefore, we make an appointment with…
Some comments from the participants: Tereza: We had a really great time during this creative workshop, thanks to Cyrielle for making this event! Michaela: I enjoyed this workshop a lot, I love the bracelets and earrings we made. Thank you Cyrielle! I’m looking forward to the next workshop. Rugile: Great relax after work …
Language Cafe Board game night
The working with people with special needs is really a great experience for every youth. Actually, to be a volunteer is the best experience and luck. Use your chance and become a volunteer.
I am a volunteer at “CECAP” an organization whose goal is to make everyday life easier for the people with disabilities and to help their integration into society. My work as a volunteer consists of going to the gym with these people; help them in doing the free-time activities etc. I also took part in…
Hi, my name is Nikola Spasovski. I am 20 years old and I am a student of Spanish language and literature and the Faculty of philology in Skopje. In November last year I saw an urgent call for a volunteer. Without a second thought I applied and right now I am in Toledo, Castile-La Mancha…
Today, I want to give you some tips and recommendations: once you’ve decided you want to volunteer, do some research. It’s nice if you have some kind of idea about where you want to go and what kind of project you want to work on. Find a project you like, do some research and apply.…
We are volunteering in the special needs school, with kids with intellectual disabilities, and with kids with hearing impairment. Also we are volunteering in the Center for kids and young adults with autism. We spend most of our time doing activities in the latter. Spending time with these kids puts life into perspective. I mean,…
Students especially liked the informal atmosphere and interactive learning. They are excited about the upcoming workshops, and so are we!
Thanks to all participants for attending and hope to see you soon. If you are interested to attend this workshop please let us know and we will organize it again. Facebook: Creative notebook workshop / Креативна Нотес Работилница