Sharing positivity

Foundation CAT is looking for people to attend short-term EVS in Leszno, Poland from 2nd of April to 31st of May, 2019. Are you someone that likes sports, art, theatre, working with kids and youth? If you also enjoy sharing stories about your country and your culture, then you might be the one for “Positive…


Inclusion through media

Another training course is approaching! We are looking for 1 Macedonian participant.   Did you ever work with radio, journalism or in a similar area? Always thought that the internet is a great place to spread the word and reach people? Would want to learn innovative ways of broadcasting and present your message? Do youDenmark…


Добредојде за Евелина, нашиот нов волонтер од Полска

Здраво на сите! Јас сум Евелина и дојдов во оваа сончева земја од Полска. Многу сум љубопитна да откривам други земји и култури и имам доволно храброст да одам и да го откривам светот но сеуште немам доволно развиени способности да зборувам за себе па затоа не знам и од каде да започнам. Можеби треба…


Short term volunteering project “Empowered by Nature”

Venue: Hortobágy, Hungary (a village in the middle of the Hortobágy National Park) Dates: 2-31 May 2019 Topic: Empowered by Nature - nature as a source of self-development, creativity and cooperation Age of participants: 18-30 years Profile of the volunteers: This project is planed for young people with fewer opportunities, who are facing different difficulties…


VOICES February 2019

Love, Љубов, Dashuri, Rakkaus, Armastus, Liebe, Amor, Amour After settling down to the new year of 2019, let’s welcome February as the month of love. After all, Valentine’s day takes place in February.  Even though it’s the day of loved ones and friends, love does not always prevail as you can read in “The relationships…


Create your own kind of hero!

Looking for 5 participants from Macedonia   Do you feel that there are too many negative attitudes in Europe recently? Intolerance, aggression, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination all seem to make a comeback in the last years. Do you want to take action? Do you like comic books? Then apply to the Peace Makers youth exchange…


Inception of Media4Inclusion

Between 17th and 19th of January, a kick-off meeting was organized in preparation for the project "Media: Key Tool of Social Media". The project is focused on social media and its power, how it can affect young people and how it can be used to include people from sensitive groups and make communities stronger. Two…


VOICES January 2019

Winter is bringing whiteness in our lives. Many people are trying to start new life books in this month. January is bringing new light and hopes in people’s lives. Some people, in the start of the New year are looking just as one formal end of a project cycle. It is up to the human…


Dark side of consumism

‘Dark side of consumism’ was a youth exchange that took place in Busteni, Romania in the period 25th  October till the  2nd November 2018. There were 42 participants from 8 countries who were gathered to tackle the global problem of overconsuming and the sustainability of the environment. Through creative activities, workshops and a beautiful environment,…


Online course, why not?

In the past year Volunteers Centre Skopje was part of a KA2 project financed by the European Union and the Erasmus + programme for capacity building, TrainVol. In this project the focus was put on what exactly is the field where Volunteers Centre works and that is youth work and volunteering. In TrainVol four partner…


Training in sexual and reproductive health – DONE!

In the offices of Volunteers Centre Skopje as part of the international project "Knowledge beats taboos" it was held a training where around 20 youth got education and more information on the sexual and reproductive health. The training is a part of a project that has multiple events such as trainings of youth workers, study…