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Anna, Poland

Welcome Anna from Poland!

Hi, Anna here! I’m 22 years old and come from Poland.

Recently, I finished my bachelor’s degree in cognitive science. I spent 3 years exploring the mysteries of the human mind – learning about how we think and perceive the world around us, as well as trying to figure out what on earth consciousness is (just to find out that even scientists aren’t sure). It was a fascinating time, but I felt like I needed a break from formal education. And… this is how I ended up in Macedonia!

Living abroad was on my bucket list for a while now. I didn’t have any specific plan – I was open to going anywhere in Europe. My only wish was to work with social media and content creation, as this is where I see my professional future. This was the main reason why I chose volunteering at VCS. It’s my first time visiting the Balkans, so I’m excited about exploring all the new places here.

In my free time, I like to do anything that allows me to be creative. I’m this kind of person who has too many hobbies and struggles to choose just one to focus on. Remaking clothes and sewing hold a special place in my heart, but my current obsession is definitely crocheting.

I can’t wait to see what this year in Macedonia will bring me!

Anna Wojdziak

Sending organization: Bona Fides