Call for a volunteer in France!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for volunteers (18–30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in a long-term or short-term ESC project “Volunteering with Hors Pistes” in France. Place: various locations in France Time period: long-term: starting from September 2024 (9-12 months) / short-term: starting from July/August 2024 (2 months) About the project: The topics of…


Call for a volunteer in Slovenia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for a volunteer (18-30 years old) from Macedonia who can speak Albanian language to participate in a long-term ESC project “Volunteering in schools in Slovenia” in Slovenia. Place: Prestranek, Slovenia Date: August 2023 - August 2024 and October 2023 - October 2024 (both 12 months) About the project: Volunteering activity…


Call for a training course in Greece!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for participants (+18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the training course “C.U.T.E - Colorful United Training of Empowerment” in Greece. Place: Stratoni, Chalkidiki, Greece Date: 30.08 – 10.09.2023 About the project: “C.U.T.E - Colorful United Training of Empowerment" aims to help youth workers educate themselves on…


Framework for promoting anti-bias education using collaborative communities – PeerAct

This report from the project PeerAct provides the results from the evaluation and makes a series of recommendations on the program's future development. The impetus for the PeerAct project was the perceived upward trend in discrimination and intolerance among youth based on religion, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, sexual orientation or simply not fitting the social…


After “A hug for all” reflections

About fourty participants from 8 countries, including five students from the "Gostivar" secondary technical school from Gostivar as representatives of Volunteers Centre Skopje participated in the training for the project: "A Hug for all" which was held in Athens in the period from November 17 to December 1 of this year. The main objectives of…


Voices April 2022

Oh, April! The month of rebirth and re-awakening – look at those trees and flowers! After a surprisingly long winter, we can enjoy the sunny and warm weather again. Can you smell the new adventures in the air? Finally, we can say bye-bye to winter coats and enjoy outdoor activities. Hiking to Vodno every weekend?…



DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA THAT WILL MAKE THE WORLD A LITLE BETTER? Are you between 16 and 28 years old, enthusiastic, willing and able to improve your community? More specifically, do you have an idea or an initiative that could fit within these areas: Education and lifelong learning Social and Community Issues Environment and…


Youth Exchange CUTE 2019 – Hungary

!!! Call for participants for Youth Exchange in Hungary !!! We are looking for 8 young people for multilateral Youth Exchange "CUTE - Cooperate, Understand, Tolerate, Empower" in July in Hortobágy, Hungary with youngsters from Poland, Macedonia, Romania and Hungary. The main aim of the project is to raise awareness of young people of their…