Meet Wijdane from France!

I'm Wijdane, but people around me like to call me Wij. I'm 26 years old and I'm from the west coast of France. Originally from Morocco and Algeria. I love art, music and I like to think I'm a very creative person. According to my master's degree I'm an expert in digital strategy and production.…


Call for a youth exchange in Macedonia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 5 participants (18-30 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the youth exchange “Re-inventing Community Radio in the Smartphone Era” in Macedonia. Place: Skopje, Macedonia Date: 25.09 – 1.10.2023 About the project: The project intends to strengthen and build – through training and exchange of good practices - competences…


Call for participants for Training Course in Cyprus!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 3 Macedonians who want to participate together with young people from Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Latvia in the Training Course "Developing digital competences for young entrepreneurs -  DDC4YE" in Cyprus. Place: Larnaca, Cyprus Dates: 22.04. - 29.04.2020 About the project: The primary aim…