Youth Exchange in Hungary!

Interested to participate among 4 other countries in a Youth Exchange that’s taking part in 24.6 – 3.7.19 in Hungary, (a village in the middle of the Hortobágy National Park)? We are looking for 5 participants aged between 14 – 18 + 1 group leader that has to be older than 20 years old. Participating…


Training course in Slovakia!

We are looking for 1 participants from Macedonia, aged between 18 – 44 years for a training course "United through education". It is a project that will be based on the development / creation among youth workers: awareness of a concept of culture and its dimensions, approaches used in non-formal education, problem / conflict solutions…


Training Course in Bulgaria!

Open call for Training Course that will be held in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria from 13.05.2019 - 21.05.2019. It will involve 30 youth workers and leaders from the UK, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Cyprus, Holland and Macedonia. We are looking for 3 participants with the following profile: - Youth workers, leaders, coordinators, NGO representative having…


4 volunteering projects in France!

Four short term European Solidarity Corps projects in France! These volunteering programs focus to be in the nature and make an effort to the environment. Read the details from each project from this PDF file: SJESCxx projects  “LET'S DISCOVER THE AIX ISLAND HERITAGE!” 27.04 – 18.05 “LE FORT DE L’AIGUILLE” 17.05 – 07.06 “TRACING THE STEPS…


2 volunteering projects in Finland!

  Join the ESC Volunteering Teams in Finland! The European Solidarity Corps Volunteering Teams give young people a chance to taste volunteering and perform tasks that can have a real impact. If you are ready to get your hands dirty while getting to know other young Europeans and willing to support the local community in…


Opportunity in Bulgaria!

Call for 1 volunteer (18 – 30 years) from Macedonia to a 6 months ESC project in Sofia, Bulgaria Application deadline: 10th of May, 2019. Do you like to work with young people from 14-18 years? Are you interested in working on sexual and reproductive rights issues, such as gender equality, family planning, HIV/AIDS etc.…


Greener than green

8-month EVS opportunity in Lithuania! Do you want to finally learn the difference between Lithuania and Latvia? What better way than to go and to live in one of those countries? Aukstaitijos national park and Labanoro Regional Park is looking for an 18-30-year-old volunteer for a period from April till December 2019. If you are…


Европа ги отвара портите кон Балканот!

Волонтерски Центар Скопје е во потрага на еден готвач, новинар и музички бенд за проект кој ги отвара европските врати кон Балканот! Проектот Convergence Balkans, е проект кој ќе биде реализиран од организацијата Мега фокс од Франција, Волонтерски Центар Скопје, Македонија и Грција.   Проектот вклучува три главни активности:   -Готвење храна за 45 учесници…



Looking for a volunteer for 12 months EVS project in Romania! The project proposes to implement an EVS activity, where 8 volunteers with fewer opportunities will make volunteering activities regarding social inclusion of 450 youngsters with fewer opportunities. For more information of the project, download infopack: Balkan hostpot_infopack Apply by sending us your CV and motivational letter…


See it with their eyes

Call for 8 participants from Macedonia for youth exchange 'From Mix-Abilities to New Opportunities' in Ankara, Turkey on 10th – 18th of May 2019   Are you between 18-30 age? Do you feel like sharing your issues and experiences and discussing ways how to raise awareness on the challenges that people with disabilities face on…


8 ESC volunteering placements in Belgium!

There are 8 volunteering places available in Belgium. Most projects start in August or September 2019 and last 12 months. Download the infopack for more details in every project: Call ESC Volunteering Placements 2019 Some projects involve direct contact with a disadvantaged public, which means that we ask volunteers to have a beginner or intermediate level…


Deeper look

We are looking for 2 Macedonian youth workers for a training course in Antalya, Turkey on 4th -11th of April   EVS beyond borders is a training course for Youth workers to discuss common issues of EVS in different countries and to develop and promote new ideas for projects. The aim is to help young…


Sharing positivity

Foundation CAT is looking for people to attend short-term EVS in Leszno, Poland from 2nd of April to 31st of May, 2019. Are you someone that likes sports, art, theatre, working with kids and youth? If you also enjoy sharing stories about your country and your culture, then you might be the one for “Positive…


Inclusion through media

Another training course is approaching! We are looking for 1 Macedonian participant.   Did you ever work with radio, journalism or in a similar area? Always thought that the internet is a great place to spread the word and reach people? Would want to learn innovative ways of broadcasting and present your message? Do youDenmark…


Short term volunteering project “Empowered by Nature”

Venue: Hortobágy, Hungary (a village in the middle of the Hortobágy National Park) Dates: 2-31 May 2019 Topic: Empowered by Nature - nature as a source of self-development, creativity and cooperation Age of participants: 18-30 years Profile of the volunteers: This project is planed for young people with fewer opportunities, who are facing different difficulties…


Create your own kind of hero!

Looking for 5 participants from Macedonia   Do you feel that there are too many negative attitudes in Europe recently? Intolerance, aggression, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination all seem to make a comeback in the last years. Do you want to take action? Do you like comic books? Then apply to the Peace Makers youth exchange…