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Call for volunteers in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for a volunteer (18-30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in a long-term ESC project “ESC in Katowice“.

Place: Katowice, Poland
Date: January/February 2025 (12 months)

About the project:
During the project volunteers will help in organising and supporting local events. Project includes working with youths and people with disabilities by making workshops, language classes or presentations. The main areas of the project are: building community, healthification and beautification in the city. Volunteers will also help with making content, videos, podcasts and managing social media.

More information: Infopack

Project partner: Bona Fides

Technical Details:
The project is funded by Erasmus+, so all travel costs (up to 275 euros)  will be reimbursed according to Erasmus+ regulations. Accommodation, insurance, food, and pocket money will be provided.

How to apply?

  1. Fill in the application form in English —> Application form
  2. Attach your CV in English in the application form
  3. If you encounter any difficulties while completing the form, please reach out to us at:

Application deadline: 06.10.2024

The applicants will be informed after the deadline when the selection of the participants is final.