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Call for training course in Slovenia!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for 2-3 participants (+18 years old) from Macedonia who want to participate in the training course “OK not to be OK” in Slovenia.

Place: Sviščaki, Slovenia
Date: 11.05 – 18.05.2025

About the project:
Join a 6-day training course focusing on the personal development, mental well-being, and self-empowerment of youth workers, while supporting participants in the processes of increasing self-awareness and promoting authenticity, critical thinking, and the ability to better understand oneself and others.

More information: INFOPACK

Project partner: Zavod Voluntariat

Technical Details:
The project is funded by ERASMUS+, so all travel costs (up to 275 euros)  will be reimbursed according to ERASMUS+ regulations. Accommodation and food will be provided.

How to apply?

  1. Fill in the application form in English —> Application form
  2. If you encounter any difficulties while completing the form, please reach out to us at:

Application deadline: 21.03.2025

The applicants will be informed after the deadline when the selection of the participants is final.