5th of December – the international Volunteers Day, celebrated everywhere in Europe. For this occasion Volunteers Centre Skopje had several promotions of volunteer activities, as well as big party where many local and international volunteers had the opportunity to meet, to show off their volunteer work and hobby trough pictures, videos, juggling, DJ-ing and other performances. Besides these activities, Volunteers Centre Skopje consider every day as Volunteers Day by appreciating all the volunteers worldwide, taking care about them every single day by providing opportunities for their personal, intellectual and professional development through different activities. To be a volunteer means to take active role in the society and to influence in different fields, to give new ideas, to help others, safe lives, to be human, open-minded, proactive… Volunteers brought many changes to this World. Each of us can do it as well- so make a CHANGE, become a VOLUNTEER today, because every day is your day and you work for your own development, your future and better society.
For volunteer opportunities contact: vcs_contact@yahoo.com