Short term volunteering project “Empowered by Nature”

Venue: Hortobágy, Hungary (a village in the middle of the Hortobágy National Park) Dates: 2-31 May 2019 Topic: Empowered by Nature - nature as a source of self-development, creativity and cooperation Age of participants: 18-30 years Profile of the volunteers: This project is planed for young people with fewer opportunities, who are facing different difficulties…


Create your own kind of hero!

Looking for 5 participants from Macedonia   Do you feel that there are too many negative attitudes in Europe recently? Intolerance, aggression, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination all seem to make a comeback in the last years. Do you want to take action? Do you like comic books? Then apply to the Peace Makers youth exchange…


“Together to a Better Society!”

A democratic society without a civil sector is almost impossible to exist. Citizens through the non-governmental sector are influencing and they make pressure on the authorities in order to improve the quality of life in a society. Creating a constructive  field for meeting and networking civil society organizations on one hand and familiarizing citizens with…



Meeting of Generations, short term EVS project in Ankara, Turkey. What is EVS? European Voluntary Service (EVS) is the European Commission's project that allows a young person (18–30 years) to become a volunteer in another country for a specified period of time, usually between 2–12 months. From here you can download the info package and…


Врснички работилници во рамки на проектот „Без расправање“

Учењето од врсниците е еден од најмоќните начини да се споделат искуства, информации и практики. Младинците од средните училишта од Гостивар, Скопје и Струга, учесници на летниот камп „ИнКоИн“ – интеркултурна комуникација и интеракција своите искуства, знаења и практики ги споделуваа со своите врсници во нивните училишта. Караванот на врснички работилници во рамки на проектот…