The MIND project aims to improve the emotional well-being of VET learners. Indeed, there is an increasing challenge on mental health since the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and it can have consequences in terms of education, employment and relationships. For this reason, it is essential to work on mental health and emotional well-being to make it inclusive and accessible to all VET learners.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of VET professionals to reinforce their mental health practices and promote socio-emotional well-being for VET learners in mobility projects. The partners of the project will provide innovative, pedagogical and inclusive solutions to all mental health challenges that have to be compatible to all VET learners and other young people facing mental health issues to show that emotional well-being is achievable.
To achieve this objective, project partners have designed four specific objectives:
1. Elaboration of a study highlighting existing needs and expectations on mental health in the VET sector;
2. Creation of a pedagogical tool for VET professionals to implement mental health practices in their own organisation;
3. Development of a training course for VET learners on mental health awareness and help them integrate emotional well-being in their training and mobility;
4. Production of an interactive tool enabling VET learners to practice emotional, cognitive and social skills.
Through the MIND project, we will:
– Facilitate the dissemination throughout the EU of VET learners and professionals’ needs on mental health for international mobility projects;
– Engage VET professionals to implement mental health prevention and promotion practices
– Inform VET learners on mental health and accompany them to improve their well-being
– Guide VET learners to practice their emotional, social and cognitive skills during international mobility projects

The project is implemented by: ADICE (France), Fundación Plan B Educación Social (Spain) and Volunteers Centre Skopje (Macedonia).
Project “MIND” is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, through Key Action 2 – KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training.
Project No.: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000156199