Voices December 2017

Here, and we left 2017 behind us. In the coming days we will make a retrospective of what we have done, where we have been successful, and where we failed. And we promise ourselves that from the New Year… In fact, we should first look at our schedule and expel things that are not necessary.…


Voices November 2017

We see their suffering and suffering, but we also admire the struggle, courage and endurance. Life was not generous to them, and they did not give in. Forced to leave their homes, their loved ones, and everything they have, they are confronted with misunderstanding, hatred and prejudice in countries where they require little sunshine, a…


Voices October 2017

Here is the latest edition of Voices magazine Yes, autumn has knocked on our windows, it is around and we can feel its breath! Psychologists argue that the best remedy for autumn sorrow is love. According to them, autumn loves are much better than hot summer adventures and flirts. In the absence of light, we…


Voices September 2017

September…Although is the 9th month in the year, for some reasons it is considered as a month for new beginnings…It is the months when pupils go back to school, students occupy the universities, summer vacations are over, new seasons of series begin, the city bus schedule in Skopje goes back to regular…We, from VCS and VOICES…


Voices Summer Edition 2017

Summer…July and August are always the hottest months of the year…The weather forecast says that we will experience tropical heat in the days to follow…What to do? VOICES team have the perfect solution for you…Seat in the shadow, put your air conditioner or ventilator on, put the VOICES magazine in your hand and start traveling…The…


VOICES June 2017

Read about Erasmus Plus, traveling, culture, explorations, food and recipes, board games and many more…All of that on One place, at the same time: VOICES Magazine!    


VOICES May 2017

Summer is reaching out, trying to warm it up the Balkans, and we, the voluteers of VCS are again presenting you a brand new edition of VOICES megazine. There was a lot of traveling and discovering this past month and we are more then happy to share all the exciting detailswith you. You will find…


VOICES April 2017

Welcome Spring! Even though somedays we have cloudy and rainy days, spring on the way. The flowers are blossoming and allow us with the smell they create one fascinating atmosphere. After that strong winter finally we might see a lot of people in the City park who’s enjoying their beer, cofee and sunshine.. “When nature…


Voices March 2017

New and fresh spring edition of VOICES focuses on bringing everything back to life, after the cold winter, with the sounds of music. In march’s edition you can find us discussing about such important topic as women’s rights, you can read about Erasmus+ projects in action, interviews with incredible people, articles about history and psychology…


Voices February 2017

As yet another month has past, we - the VCS team - have prepared for you the fresh edition of VOICES megazine. All filled with interesting articles about delicious food, adventurous Erasmus+ projects, travels around the globe psichology insights and interviews. We really hope that you all gonna like our shared ideas and it will…


Voices January 2017

What a very eventful month: So much snow since many years nor more, Handball Championship in France and never mind, all the things, dear readers, what you might have experienced. We'll hop that you enjoyreading our new magazine, first of 2017. https://issuu.com/vcsvoices/docs/voices_january_2017_final


Voices December 2016

While the weather in Skopje is keep getting more winterly and everyone is preparing for the holidays season, volunteers of VCS are doing their best to report all the news in this month‘s VOICES magazine . https://issuu.com/vcsvoices/docs/voices_december_final_web


Voices November 2016

In November issue you can find articles about : Human rights, Alan Turing, Banksy, and more articles about different topics. I hope you'll enjoy this edition ! https://issuu.com/vcsvoices/docs/voices_november_2016_final_1


Voices October 2015

After having tasted this year’s ajvar, we are moving on towards the colder months but we’ll be doing it with the company of our new EVS Volunteer. Rugilė arrived a few days ago from Lithuania and brought us some special cheese and her new energy. Now, she’ll help us for the next editions of VOICES…